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Sentence #6841089

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This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #1258105Les systèmes dont les règles sont basées sur l'usage, tels que les langues ou les droits coutumiers, sont condamnés à devenir absurdes, pesants et contradictoires, puisque chaque fois que la moindre erreur se glisse dans un de leurs usages, elle s'intègre aux règles, par définition, pour l'éternité. Plus les utilisateurs sont des béotiens, plus les systèmes se dégradent rapidement. L'anglais, mal utilisé par des millions de gens, natifs ou pas, depuis des siècles, est un exemple de dégradation du système au stade terminal, ne présentant plus aucune logique, ni dans la syntaxe, ni dans la grammaire, ni dans le vocabulaire ou la prononciation. De même, le droit coutumier devenant trop lourd et incompréhensible, les états qui s'appuyaient dessus tendent à passer à un droit prescrit..

Systems in which the rules are based on usage, such as languages or customary law, are condemned to become absurd, cumbersome and contradictory, since every time a small error slips into one of their usages, it is integrated into the rules, by definition, for eternity. The more users are ignorant, the more systems degrade rapidly. English, poorly used by millions of people, natives or not, for centuries, is an example of the degradation of a system at terminal stage, no longer presenting any logic, neither in its syntax, nor its grammar, nor its vocabulary or its pronunciation. Similarly, with customary rights becoming too cumbersome and incomprehensible, the states which rely on them tend to switch to a prescriptive right.

added by kaiperkins271, April 17, 2018

Systems in which the rules are based on usage, such as languages or customary law, are condemned to become absurd, cumbersome and contradictory, since every time a small error slips into one of their usages, it is integrated into the rules, by definition, for eternity. The more users are ignorant, the more systems degrade rapidly. English, poorly used by millions of people, natives or not, for centuries, is an example of the degradation of a system at terminal stage, no longer presenting any logic, neither in its syntax, nor its grammar, nor its vocabulary or its pronunciation. Similarly, with customary rights becoming too cumbersome and incomprehensible, the states which rely on them tend to switch to prescriptive law.

edited by kaiperkins271, April 17, 2018