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Oración nº308686

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blay_paul blay_paul 16 de mayo de 2010 16 de mayo de 2010, 11:58:24 UTC link Enlace permanente


Admittedly the previous version was a comma splice - but I think it was clearer in meaning. Reading it now I tend to think "How many sisters does she have who don't live in Kyoto?"

How about a semi-colon or a dash?

She has two sisters; who live in Kyoto.
She has two sisters - who live in Kyoto.

Dorenda Dorenda 5 de junio de 2010 5 de junio de 2010, 13:08:22 UTC link Enlace permanente

I know, a late reaction, but this semicolon caught my attention...

First, I don't think the original sentence was a comma splice, at least not if the Wikipedia definition of it is correct (I had never heard the term "comma splice" before): "Comma splicing is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses, instead of a conjunction, semi-colon, or period." The sentence didn't have two independent clauses, but an independent and a dependent (relative) clause. So actually I don't know why the comma had to be removed.

Second, removing the comma makes the relative clause restrictive, as blay_paul already noted when he said he tends to think "How many sisters does she have who don't live in Kyoto?", so it changes the meaning of the sentence.
(Wikipedia again: "A relative clause takes commas if it is non-restrictive, as in I cut down all the trees, which were over six feet tall. (Without the comma, this would imply that only some of the trees – those over six feet tall – were cut down.)")

Third, I don't think semicolons are used to seperate dependent clauses, only independent clauses, so the current version of the sentence is not correct, if you ask me.

If you really don't like the version with the comma, I suggest just removing it alltogether, since there are some other equivalent sentences already now.


blay_paul blay_paul 5 de junio de 2010 5 de junio de 2010, 13:40:02 UTC link Enlace permanente

OK, I'm putting the comma back - CK can argue with me when (if) he notices. :-)




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Todavía no podemos determinar si esta frase se derivó inicialmente de la traducción o no.

enlazada por un miembro desconocido, fecha desconocida

She has two sisters, who live in Kyoto.

añadida por un miembro desconocido, fecha desconocida

She has two sisters who live in Kyoto.

editada por CK, 13 de mayo de 2010

enlazada por CK, 13 de mayo de 2010

enlazada por CK, 13 de mayo de 2010

enlazada por CK, 13 de mayo de 2010

She has two sisters; who live in Kyoto.

editada por blay_paul, 5 de junio de 2010

She has two sisters, who live in Kyoto.

editada por blay_paul, 5 de junio de 2010

enlazada por Kalle63, 29 de octubre de 2013

enlazada por Guybrush88, 26 de julio de 2015

desenlazada por Guybrush88, 26 de julio de 2015