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Duvar'a dön

TRANG TRANG 19 Ekim 2014, 19 Ekim 2014 tarihinde düzenlendi 19 Ekim 2014 15:28:36 UTC, 19 Ekim 2014 15:54:10 UTC düzenlendi link Kalıcı bağlantı

** Tatoeba update (October 19, 2014) **

# Search results sorted by sentence length

Shorter sentences will have higher priority over longer ones in the search results. Even though the length of a sentence does not necessarily imply that it's a better example sentence, this should make the results more relevant overall.

# Possibility to comment deleted sentences

The comment form was displayed on deleted sentences, but the comment was not saved after submission. This has been fixed and it is now possible to post comments on deleted sentences.

# Script to remove duplicate sentences

This is just a little note that there has been good progress on the deduplication script[1]. We'll hopefully be able to clean up the corpus soon :)

# Other fixes

* Fixed truncation of long URL's containing non Latin characters.
* Long words or links that exceed their container box are now split into a new lines instead.
* Fixed a bug where a part of an URL would be converted into a sentence's link.
* Fixed a bug where some Wall message previews were displayed as empty on the homepage.



{{vm.hiddenReplies[20688] ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'}} cevapları gizle cevapları göster
gillux gillux 19 Ekim 2014 19 Ekim 2014 15:37:44 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

To be more precise, sentences are sorted by number of words. For languages without word boundaries, it’s sorted by number of characters, not including punctuation.

{{vm.hiddenReplies[20689] ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'}} cevapları gizle cevapları göster
sacredceltic sacredceltic 20 Ekim 2014 20 Ekim 2014 00:48:57 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

J'ignore de qui est cette idée, mais elle est excellente !