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Pfirsichbaeumchen Pfirsichbaeumchen 24 Mart 2015 24 Mart 2015 10:18:02 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı


It would be great if there were some code for non-breaking spaces (e.g. "[nbsp]" or " ") that would reappear when editing a sentence or any other editable piece of text.

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Glutexo Glutexo 24 Mart 2015 24 Mart 2015 17:27:35 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

On Mac OS X, pressing space while holding ⌥ (option/alt key) produces a non-breakable space.

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Pfirsichbaeumchen Pfirsichbaeumchen 25 Mart 2015, 25 Mart 2015 tarihinde düzenlendi 25 Mart 2015 04:11:51 UTC, 25 Mart 2015 04:23:00 UTC düzenlendi link Kalıcı bağlantı

It's no problem to produce a non-breaking space (I do so by pressing Alt + 255). The problem is that when editing a sentence all previously entered non-breaking spaces disappear and are replaced by normal spaces. It would help if this no longer happened, and if non-breaking spaces were distinguishable from normal ones when editing, but of course not when displaying sentences. For example, they could be represented as "[nbsp]". If they could also be entered that way (in addition to the other methods), that might make it easier for members to use them.

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gillux gillux 25 Mart 2015 25 Mart 2015 09:19:14 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

When I edit a sentence that includes non-breaking spaces, they are not replaced by normal spaces. I think Tatoeba preserves spaces correctly. Note that however, Firefox replaces non-breaking spaces by normal ones when you copy and paste them: This causes many troubles to people who want to figure out the type of spaces that are displayed.

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Pfirsichbaeumchen Pfirsichbaeumchen 25 Mart 2015, 25 Mart 2015 tarihinde düzenlendi 25 Mart 2015 10:52:03 UTC, 25 Mart 2015 10:52:38 UTC düzenlendi link Kalıcı bağlantı

Would it be possible to make non-breaking spaces somehow visible in the editing window?

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gillux gillux 25 Mart 2015 25 Mart 2015 16:19:56 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

I’m not very sure, but it sounds quite difficult to me to make them visible while editing the sentence. Making them visible while *not* editing sounds more doable however.