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Duvar'a dön

wells wells 2 Ekim 2015 2 Ekim 2015 18:13:17 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

I'm having a minor problem with diacritics getting cut off in the sentence view. Here we have the word 'Ääniala' but it renders as 'Aäniala':

This only applies to sentences I own, so I think the buttons bar is at fault. This is on Mozilla/*nix.

{{vm.hiddenReplies[24413] ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'}} cevapları gizle cevapları göster
wells wells 21 Ekim 2015 21 Ekim 2015 13:57:14 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

Here's a second related bug I experience:

When submitting a new sentence, the 'diacritics' get cut off in the same way. The newly-submitted sentence #4630768 gets chopped but the pre-existing sentence #4629634 displays correctly.

If I reload the page, both display correctly.

I need to double-check these sentences for typos whenever this rendering bug shows up.

wells wells 21 Ekim 2015, 21 Ekim 2015 tarihinde düzenlendi 21 Ekim 2015 14:11:54 UTC, 21 Ekim 2015 14:46:40 UTC düzenlendi link Kalıcı bağlantı

And here's a CSS solution that works for me -- fixes both problems and one more:

div.editableSentence, .addTranslationsTextInput { padding-top: 4px; }

(The text input was tight as well, so I added a padding there.)

I know languages such as Vietnamese use more complex diacritics that take more vertical space. If someone would produce a sentence for me to test with such a language, I'd be happy to test it.

Edit: It seems the input textboxes are all a bit tight vertically. The Å in Åke gets cut off in the topmost search bar, and in the 'Advanced search' form. This CSS rule fixes it:

input[type="text"] { padding-top: 5px !important; }

(It's an 'override' rule. Not something to check into the code.)

Ricardo14 Ricardo14 25 Ekim 2015 25 Ekim 2015 00:17:26 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

@wells, sorry for the late reply. I opened a ticket for this -

{{vm.hiddenReplies[24690] ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'}} cevapları gizle cevapları göster
wells wells 25 Ekim 2015 25 Ekim 2015 06:52:26 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı


Kiitoksia paljon.

Ricardo14 Ricardo14 20 Mart 2016 20 Mart 2016 15:36:36 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

@wells, can you reproduce this problem yet?

{{vm.hiddenReplies[25979] ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less'}} cevapları gizle cevapları göster
wells wells 22 Mart 2016 22 Mart 2016 15:35:43 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

Yes, both when submitting a new sentence (new translation), and in all text boxes that I can find.

(I don't think it's much use asking whether things have changed when the CSS styling responsible has not been touched at all.)

Hitting this problem depends on your system and fonts and font rendering settings. If someone can't reproduce it on Windows, it's probably not reproducible on Windows, at least without major configuration changes.

Ricardo14 Ricardo14 20 Mart 2016 20 Mart 2016 15:40:27 UTC link Kalıcı bağlantı

I wasn't able to reproduce this problem. ( ). Did someone else do it?