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Pinnwandbeiträge von marcelostockle (insgesamt 310)

marcelostockle marcelostockle 11. September 2015 11. September 2015 um 16:01:47 UTC link zur Pinnwand

really? there were just a couple typos.
Is it possible to link them back now?

marcelostockle marcelostockle 11. September 2015 11. September 2015 um 13:59:20 UTC link zur Pinnwand

can't seem to edit a couple of my sentences:

what have they got in common ? both have audio files attached

sry if obvious. been disconnected for very long


marcelostockle marcelostockle 17. Februar 2015 17. Februar 2015 um 13:13:37 UTC link zur Pinnwand

how can I unadopt my sentences now?

marcelostockle marcelostockle 1. Oktober 2014 1. Oktober 2014 um 20:34:40 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Every time I log in I am taken to a certain page

marcelostockle marcelostockle 18. Mai 2014 18. Mai 2014 um 20:47:18 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Welcome back.
Did you know the reason of my avatar being a snake is that with you, Shishir and a couple other members we get a significant part of the Chinese zodiac?

marcelostockle marcelostockle 13. Mai 2014 13. Mai 2014 um 14:57:19 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I think she means one doesn't need to know Turkish if your comments are trustworthy

marcelostockle marcelostockle 11. Mai 2014 11. Mai 2014 um 18:16:08 UTC link zur Pinnwand


marcelostockle marcelostockle 8. Mai 2014 8. Mai 2014 um 21:19:47 UTC link zur Pinnwand

That is absolutely awesome!
I wish I had more time to participate

marcelostockle marcelostockle 14. April 2014, bearbeitet am 14. April 2014 14. April 2014 um 16:40:12 UTC, bearbeitet 14. April 2014 um 16:41:15 UTC link zur Pinnwand

That is the right thing to do.
Tatoeba's Graph representation is useful in modelling inter- or intra-language subtle relations.

For example, you could also link all Bengali sentences you may use in the same context (formality, gender, number, etc.) to each other. And even with more languages.

The rule of thumb is "would this be a right thing to say in this precise context and meaning?". This way, even word-to-word matches aren't so significant.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 13. April 2014 13. April 2014 um 23:09:29 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Great news.
They are all important contributors.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 26. März 2014 26. März 2014 um 03:27:19 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I've noticed the changes in the German interface and I'm very pleased with them!
There one change that looks a bit awkward, though:

Sprachvoreinstellung für die Nutzung der Schaltflächen "Zurück", "Weiter" und "Zufällig"

Isn't that a bit too long? It skips a line and touches "Zeige Satz Nr.".
I can't really think of a proposal now.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 24. März 2014 24. März 2014 um 06:09:34 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I can't comment on the blog, but you may need to fix the date (year). It looks like old news

marcelostockle marcelostockle 26. Januar 2014 26. Januar 2014 um 16:33:03 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Felicitaciones Vivi! :D

marcelostockle marcelostockle 12. Januar 2014 12. Januar 2014 um 20:28:59 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Sentence adoption is not working

marcelostockle marcelostockle 10. Dezember 2013 10. Dezember 2013 um 01:42:44 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Para mí, este fue un laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargo esfuerzo. Con un lenguaje como el alemán es muy fácil caer en la frustración en el proceso.

Solo te recomendaría leer harto, textos simples. Y muy importante, anotar cada palabra nueva en algún lugar (un cuaderno, una pizarra), ¡sin explicaciones!, para que las veas varias veces y te acuerdes por ti mismo.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 22. Oktober 2013 22. Oktober 2013 um 04:59:17 UTC link zur Pinnwand


marcelostockle marcelostockle 21. Oktober 2013 21. Oktober 2013 um 22:38:45 UTC link zur Pinnwand

"...I should not bother about translations of translations, even if they happen to be identical with the sentence I am about to enter"
And even if that creates complexity, duplicates, or any issues, it shouldn't be up to the CONTRIBUTOR to pay any attention.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 21. Oktober 2013 21. Oktober 2013 um 22:23:09 UTC link zur Pinnwand

"the waste of storage and CPU time, excessive complexity of graph structure and non-optimal search results"

I agree with all of that. I also work with the Tatoeba as graphs. And with all the complexity, all my algorithms suddenly stopped working. And that is detrimental.

But I don't think adapting the corpus to the computational needs is right, if not doing our utmost to adapt our computation to the corpus needs.

marcelostockle marcelostockle 21. Oktober 2013 21. Oktober 2013 um 22:05:30 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Well, I'll try to make it short:

Whenever there is a new duplicate, there is a chance other people try to translate it, even when the translation already exists.
So far, it sounds like a waste of time and effort. But it's not usually so, because when we think of a translation one more time, we may come to a new one that we didn't figure out the last time, enriching the corpus.

Is that a bad argument?

marcelostockle marcelostockle 21. Oktober 2013 21. Oktober 2013 um 21:43:03 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I don't think anyone should bother, given there is a de-duplication algorithm that "eventually" works.

It is quite an old discussion now. I think that time someone proved how they can become beneficial to the corpus. I could bring it back, but right now I really can't.