Please note there's a typo here. It should be:
をかえりみず or もかえりみず but not をもかえりみず.
Really? I've never seen it in any of my books. That's my bad then. My apologies and many thanks! I've learned something new.
#6830544 - 直訳。
#6830548 - もっと自然的でよく使われる諺。
Just in case somebody else is reading this:
I've heard that saying in English before, but it's the first time I do it in Japanese, to be honest.
Since I was at it, I made two translations into Spanish:
#6830544 - It's a literal translation.
#6830548 - It's a more natural equivalent and one that is still being used, although I haven't heard it in a while.
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linked by andresangelini, April 10, 2018