In this example you've used the past form of the verb 伝わる namely 伝わった but it should read 伝った(つたった) cos it's the past form of 伝う(つたう) which is the correct verb to use

As a person before said, you seem to misuse 伝う and 伝わる. In this meaning of "tears running down cheeks", you should use 涙が伝う. 伝わる is more like a intransitive version of 伝える, and conveys meaning of "to be told, to be conveyed".

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edited by qahwa, August 11, 2010
linked by raohmaru, April 5, 2022
linked by Pfirsichbaeumchen, April 18, 2023
edited by small_snow, November 12, 2024