@TC: I couldn't see where the "down the river" part came from, so I removed it and added in "choosing to" from "ことになる". Also, it doesn't really make sense that spying now is selling out down the line since the sell-out is immediate. It would be nice to get a proficient user to verify the accuracy of the link.
> I couldn't see where the "down the river" part came from
Do you mean that you don't know the idiom "sell down the river"?
> "choosing to" from "ことになる"
I'm dubious as to whether that is a good match.
No, I didn't mean that, but only because I didn't know it. ;-)
OK, I changed it back to "sell sth down the river". Thanks!
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linked by an unknown member, date unknown
added by an unknown member, date unknown
edited by Swift, December 1, 2010
edited by Swift, December 1, 2010
linked by Amastan, September 23, 2012
linked by Amastan, September 23, 2012
linked by Amastan, September 23, 2012
linked by Amastan, September 23, 2012