「あれなら絶対大丈夫!」 apparently translated as "Yeah, she must be the sure thing!". Wait, what? This translation makes no sense, both as a translation, and what does this sentence even mean?
Without additional context, 「あれなら絶対大丈夫!」 literally means "As for that, it is absolutely all right!" or something like that. 「あれ」 is literally "that", 「なら」 is a topic marker, 「絶対」 is "absolutely", and「大丈夫」 is "all right/fine/etc".
Polish translation makes way, way more sense: "Na pewno będzie w porządku!" literally translates into English as "Certainly [it] will be in order!", but this phrase is used generally in the sense "It's definitely going to be all right!". Not sure where the future tense came from though.
If you want to see this being used in context, try this search.
"あれなら絶対大丈夫(だ|です)" -sure
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We cannot determine yet whether this sentence was initially derived from translation or not.
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linked by zipangu, January 21, 2011
unlinked by Pfirsichbaeumchen, September 15, 2020