"Although" (without a comma after it) is generally used to connect clauses in a full sentence:
"It's easy to be understood with just a little knowledge of English, although it is good if one can speak English well."
With other conjunctions, there are other possibilities:
"However, it is good if one can speak English well."
"Nonetheless, it is good if one can speak English well."
"It is good, though, if one can speak English well."
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added by an unknown member, date unknown
linked by an unknown member, date unknown
linked by Kerstin, February 10, 2010
edited by user7736, December 29, 2011
linked by teskmon, June 20, 2012
linked by Amastan, July 8, 2012
linked by Kalle63, August 15, 2013
edited by user7736, March 21, 2014
edited by Objectivesea, September 7, 2014