Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #4461874

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #4944569
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License: CC BY 2.0 FRAudio
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #1886873
added by pne, February 16, 2014
linked by pne, February 16, 2014
linked by Horus, August 20, 2015
linked by Horus, February 29, 2016
linked by marafon, February 29, 2016
linked by shekitten, January 21, 2020
linked by PaulP, January 22, 2020
linked by Yorwba, April 20, 2020
linked by Yorwba, April 26, 2020
linked by nusia2302, May 2, 2020
linked by sundown, May 2, 2022
linked by PaulP, February 4, 2023