Welcome to the project, Clic.
Try the search function before you put a sentence in that is as short and as commonly used as this one. It is already there, as you can see http://tatoeba.org/deu/sentences/show/1434
Please go to #1434.
This sentence has been deleted because it was a duplicate.
added by Clic, March 30, 2014
linked by CK, March 31, 2014
linked by pne, June 24, 2014
linked by Silja, July 11, 2014
linked by Silja, July 11, 2014
linked by Silja, July 11, 2014
linked by al_ex_an_der, August 19, 2014
linked by sacredceltic, November 18, 2014
linked by mraz, November 19, 2014
linked by Horus, January 19, 2015
deleted by Horus, January 20, 2015