This isn’t proper Czech. It is said this way in some dialects, but it doesn’t belong to the corpus of good language.
Toto není správně česky. Možná se to tak u Hadrie doma říká (Morava?), ale do korpusu to nepatří.
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# This comment was copied from #3230717 when duplicate sentences were merged.
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License: CC BY 2.0 FRLogs
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #2547669
added by Hadrie, May 4, 2014
linked by Hadrie, May 4, 2014
linked by Ricardo14, July 20, 2014
linked by Horus, January 20, 2015
linked by Horus, January 20, 2015
linked by Horus, January 20, 2015
linked by deniko, September 6, 2017
linked by deniko, September 6, 2017
linked by Ricardo14, September 6, 2017
linked by Dominika7, September 4, 2020