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Sentence #341095

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Sentence #{{}} — belongs to {{vm.sentence.user.username}} Sentence #{{}}
{{vm.sentence.furigana.info_message}} {{vm.sentence.text}}
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{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Existing sentence #{{}} has been added as a translation.
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{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Existing sentence #{{}} has been added as a translation.
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{{vm.expandableIcon}} {{vm.sentence.expandLabel}} Fewer translations


tinacalysto tinacalysto December 18, 2009 December 18, 2009 at 4:55:21 PM UTC link Permalink

I wonder how hard is to translate this phrase into Portuguese, so I posted the three possibilities, each of them meaning on of the 'dimensions' of the "It's up to you".

The same thing in German:
- 'deinetwegen' meaning "it depends upon you, I have nothing to do with that", or
- 'von mir aus' meaning "for me it's okay, it's indifferent'.

ludoviko ludoviko October 15, 2010 October 15, 2010 at 10:49:50 AM UTC link Permalink

Heißt "Deinetwegen" und "Von mir aus" dasselbe? In welchem Umfeld, Dialog? Sollte man das nicht in einen Dialog einbauen?

sacredceltic sacredceltic October 15, 2010 October 15, 2010 at 11:02:25 AM UTC link Permalink

It's exactly the point to get as many variants as possible in each language...

sacredceltic sacredceltic October 15, 2010 October 15, 2010 at 11:08:01 AM UTC link Permalink

@tynacalysto: But you must attach each of your translations to the corresponding sentence, not to the upper-most sentence.

So when you translate, please fiorst click on the very sentence you want to translate so it appears on top, then only click on the translation button.
When you click on the translation button, the other translations are hidden ON PURPOSE because what you are translating is ONLY the one on top, not the others...

Welcome to Tatoeba!

raggione raggione September 30, 2013 September 30, 2013 at 9:29:18 AM UTC link Permalink

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass der erste Kommentar hier unzutreffend ist. So weit ich das mir einbilde begriffen zu haben, liegt eine Verwechslung vor.
Christina, vermute ich, wollte "Meinetwegen" vorschlagen und hat zu "Deinetwegen" gegriffen. Kann das sein?

DENN Ich kann eine gedankliche Verbindung zwischen "It's up to you" (d.h. es liegt an dir) und "Meinetwegen" (d.h. ich will damit nichts zu tun haben - siehe obigen Kommentar) herstellen. Aber zu "Deinetwegen" schaffe ich das nicht.
Eine englische Alternative zu "Meinetwegen" wäre übrigens "Have it your own way"



Sentence text

License: CC BY 2.0 FR


This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #176749君次第だよ。.

linked by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009


added by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009

linked by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009

linked by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009


linked by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009

linked by tinacalysto, December 18, 2009

linked by Pharamp, September 16, 2010

linked by esocom, September 19, 2010

unlinked by sacredceltic, October 15, 2010

linked by moskbnea, August 29, 2014

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