Hmmm. En käyttäsi lausetta tällaisenaan, koska se ei tunnu kovin luontevalta. Lisäisin esimerkiksi sanan ”kovasti” tai ”paljon” after ”niin”.
Hmmm. I wouldn't use this as it is, because it doesn't seem natural to me. I'd add for example ”kovasti” or ”paljon” after ”niin”.
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Sentence text
License: CC BY 2.0 FRLogs
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #1886694
added by marcelostockle, October 6, 2014
linked by marcelostockle, October 6, 2014
linked by marcelostockle, October 6, 2014
linked by marcelostockle, October 6, 2014
edited by marcelostockle, July 27, 2015