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Sentence #518469

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Vortarulo Vortarulo December 10, 2010 December 10, 2010 at 9:40:20 AM UTC link Permalink

In Esperanto there's no space before the question mark. En Esperanto ne estu spaco antaŭ la demandosigno.

fs fs December 13, 2010 December 13, 2010 at 1:15:46 AM UTC link Permalink

(fr) Vidu sub la frazo 530374-a !

Sed post "u"-formo kun subjekto ne necesas havi ekkrisignon. Estus pli bone, se mi skribus : "Ni provu." Mi ne scias, kiagrade la ekkrisigno estas tamen akceptebla ; sekve, mi ne scias, chu ties forigo estas nepre necesa.

Oni atentu, ke en la lingvo franca, inverse, oni ne bezonas ekkriosignon post sensubjekta u-verbo ("impératif"), sed ja post subjektohava (kun alia formo dela verbo ["subjonctif"])..

(fr) Voyez sous la phrase n° 530374.

Mais après une forme en "u" pourvue d'un sujet la présence d'un point d'exclamation n'est pas nécessaire. Il eût mieux valu écrire : "Ni provu." Je ne sais pas jusqu'à quel point la présence du point d'exclamation est néanmoins acceptable, ni, par conséquent, si la suppression en est absolument nécessaire.

Qu'on prenne garde qu'en français, au contraire, on n'a pas besoin de point d'exclamation après un verbe sans sujet (c'est-à-dire à l'impératif), mais bien dans une phrase de valeur voisine pourvue d'un sujet (avec un verbe à une autre forme, dite "subjonctif") !

Horus Horus January 20, 2015 January 20, 2015 at 12:35:05 AM UTC link Permalink

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #1415682
x #3445806



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License: CC BY 2.0 FR


by {{}} Unknown author

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This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #415128Essayons !.

Ni provu !

added by fs, September 18, 2010

linked by fs, September 18, 2010

linked by JayNo, March 10, 2012

linked by martinod, June 1, 2012

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

linked by martinod, January 8, 2014

unlinked by PaulP, April 22, 2014


linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014


linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

linked by martinod, April 22, 2014

Ni provu!

edited by PaulP, August 16, 2014

linked by danepo, August 16, 2014

linked by danepo, August 16, 2014


linked by CK, October 6, 2014

linked by Horus, January 20, 2015


linked by Horus, January 20, 2015

linked by Dimitrije, November 2, 2016

linked by mraz, November 5, 2016

linked by Rwmpelstilzchen, December 26, 2019