sole --> sola.
Komparu la ekzemplan frazon "Li farbis la brunan pordon blua".
La rezulto de la farbado estis, ke la pordo ESTAS blua.
La rezulto de la lasado en ĉi tiu frazo estu, ke ŝi ESTAS sola.
Se oni uzas la adverbon "sole", oni difinas "lasi".
Mi konscias, ke tio estas iom malfacila gramatikaĵo, sed mi tute certas pri tio, ke vi komprenas ĝin. :)
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This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #358357
added by esocom, October 24, 2010
linked by esocom, October 24, 2010
added by Hans07, June 16, 2011
linked by Hans07, June 16, 2011
added by bufo, April 9, 2012
linked by bufo, April 9, 2012
linked by marcelostockle, April 9, 2012
linked by marcelostockle, April 9, 2012
linked by sacredceltic, April 11, 2012
added by GrizaLeono, November 29, 2012
linked by GrizaLeono, November 29, 2012
added by GrizaLeono, January 19, 2013
linked by GrizaLeono, January 19, 2013
edited by bufo, May 29, 2013
linked by Horus, January 20, 2015
linked by Horus, January 20, 2015
linked by Horus, January 12, 2016