Final dot ( . ) missing.
Je ne connais pas le turc mais je suis presque sûr que ce n'est pas le sens voulu.
J'ai bâillonné, déjà n'a pas de sens tel quel, mais veut surtout dire empêcher quelqu'un de parler (en le bâillonnant).
La phrase anglaise (dont le turc est issu) veut dire « J'ai bâillé. »
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License: CC BY 2.0 FRLogs
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #5829690
added by Berkay, February 7, 2017
linked by Berkay, February 7, 2017
linked by deniko, February 7, 2017
edited by Berkay, March 8, 2017
linked by Aiji, March 9, 2017
linked by Aiji, March 9, 2017
edited by Aiji, September 22, 2017
linked by Aiji, September 22, 2017
linked by Horus, September 30, 2018
linked by samir_t, May 15, 2021
linked by Micsmithel, September 19, 2021