Le kabyle est pareille aux autres langues y compris dans la ponctuation:"Asigez" qui vient du mot "agaz" (point).
Kabyle is similar to other languages including punctuation: "Asigez" which comes from the word "agaz" (point).
Thank you..
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License: CC BY 2.0 FRAudio
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #14970
license chosen by Amazigh_Bedar, September 22, 2018
added by Amazigh_Bedar, September 22, 2018
linked by Amazigh_Bedar, September 22, 2018
linked by Horus, October 19, 2018
linked by Aissimahfoud06, October 26, 2018
linked by Igider, November 10, 2018
linked by Rafik, April 23, 2024