Can we translate this sentence this way:
Would you like your breakfast in Western or Japanese style tomorrow?

I like the idea, though it's the speaker who's going to have breakfast, and s/he apparently doesn't have the right to choose.

Ah, I see. So maybe we can say it this way:
Will tomorrow's breakfast be in Western or Japanese style?

I'm afraid translating this sentence into Russian is as hard as into English.

Why not translate it as you had suggested before:
> Will tomorrow's breakfast be in Western or Japanese style?
tommy_san seems to approve of the idea.

I refrain from translating unowned Japanese sentences unless they have OK tag.
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We cannot determine yet whether this sentence was initially derived from translation or not.
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added by an unknown member, date unknown
linked by humihiro, February 19, 2011
edited by tommy_san, February 15, 2015
unlinked by CK, February 15, 2015
linked by mactrey, October 22, 2015
edited by small_snow, February 19, 2021