Does this and German "Bleib ruhig" really match?

No, the German means " Stay calm".
I believe BraveSentry is no longer in Tatoeba. I unlinked the German sentence.

bleiben = to stay.
ruhig = calm, but also used as an affirmation.
"Mach das ruhig." in most cirsumstances means "Go ahead, do it.", not "Do it calmly." in spoken german the meaning depends on emphasis. "BLEIB ruhig", means "Stay if you like.", "Bleib RUHIG." means "Stay calm."
please re-link and wait some time before unlinking.

@BraveSentry: Thank you for your explanation. I've relinked the German sentence.
Edit. Now I realized that actually you can use the Finnish word for "ruhig" the same way in casual situations. :)

@BraveSentry, I'm sorry, I haven't seen you here for a long time.
I relinked it.
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Sentence text
License: CC BY 2.0 FRAudio
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #788437
added by BraveSentry, March 25, 2011
linked by BraveSentry, March 25, 2011
linked by Martha, March 25, 2011
linked by duran, November 21, 2012
unlinked by Eldad, February 1, 2015
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