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radubradu radubradu May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 at 1:11:41 PM UTC link Permalink

Hi everyone!
I'm new here and I'd like to add some new sentences.
Is there a way to see which words have the least sentences or none at all? I see there is a requested vocabulary list, but for my language, Romanian, it only has three words. Is there a way to filter through words by most used?
What do you do when you want to add a new sentence? You just think of a random word?
I mean, I can do that as well, but I'd like to use words that are most needed.

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PaulP PaulP May 13, 2020, edited May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 at 1:33:37 PM UTC, edited May 13, 2020 at 1:35:07 PM UTC link Permalink

I can't answer your question, but I do have a suggestion. Have a look at all these Romanian sentences:

They are mostly written by non-natives. Some of them will be correct, others won't. If they are correct, just „adopt” them (click on the figure on the right top of the sentence). if they are not, correct them and adopt them afterwards.

Adoptarea este o modalitate de a spune: „Această propoziție este corectă.” De asemenea, este și o ocazie de a verifica propoziția și de a o corecta în cazul în care există vreo greșeală.

Deci dacă doriți să ne ajutați la verificarea și corectarea propozițiilor, atunci adoptați propozițiile „orfane” care sunt în limba dumneavoastră maternă și corectați-le dacă este necesar.

Noroc bun!

Thanuir Thanuir May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020 at 2:18:51 PM UTC link Permalink

Voisit myös etsiä listan romaniankielisistä sanoista yleisyysjärjestyksessä ja lisätä ne omaan sanastoosi.

Aiji Aiji May 14, 2020 May 14, 2020 at 6:05:39 AM UTC link Permalink

Among all the possibilities, I would like to give two suggestions:

First of all, my very first advice to someone who want to add original sentences is to add everything you can think of. Sentences that makes you laugh, that you think beautiful, useful, or anything that can motivate you and others to write and read these sentences. Since Romanian doesn't have so many sentences, I'm pretty sure everybody would be VERY thankful to you if you could provide some (or many) good, natural-sounding sentences :)

It is difficult to decide what words are the most "useful" or needed. However, if you want to add sentences with words that people often look for, I think the easiest way for you would be to contact our contributor lbdx (that's a lower L) and ask him if it would be possible to add Romanian to his tatominer (external tool)

If you're proficient in some programming language and have some time, you could write something similar to what I wrote for the Word Analysis section of Tatoeba playground (external tool)