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Sentence #913886

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Eldad Eldad 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 9:33:35 UTC link Enllaç permanent

It's not "Esperantido" but "Esperantujo" (i.e., the Land of Esperanto [that's how it is called in Esperanto], in parallel to the "Land of Lojban", called here "Lojbanistan").

sharptoothed sharptoothed 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 10:29:21 UTC link Enllaç permanent

Then, it's probably should be Эсперантия instead of Эсперантида.

Eldad Eldad 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 10:41:42 UTC link Enllaç permanent

The thing is, it should be "Esperantujo" (Esperantooyo), as in Esperanto, rather than "Esperantija". Could you offer an alternative, with the right падеж after c?

sharptoothed sharptoothed 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 10:54:48 UTC link Enllaç permanent

> right падеж after c?
ummm... I don't get you, I'm afraid, what do you mean? :-)

btw, there's even encyclopedia about Эсперантия :-) Take a look:

soweli_Elepanto soweli_Elepanto 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 11:16:15 UTC link Enllaç permanent

@Eldad: La nomo "Эсперанти́да" jam estas sufiĉe kutima por ruslingvaj esperantistoj. Tiu nomo estas farita laŭ ekzemplo de "Антаркти́да", kaj neniuokaze rilatas al iu ajn "ido".

sharptoothed sharptoothed 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 11:18:23 UTC link Enllaç permanent

Maybe this will help too :-)

Eldad Eldad 8 de desembre de 2012 8 de desembre de 2012 a les 11:29:14 UTC link Enllaç permanent

Thank you very much, both of you.
You're right, of course.

The reason I thought there was a mistake in the sentence was that there is also another language, named Esperantido. For a moment I thought this word appeared in the sentence above, instead of the imaginary country's name.

Vortarulo Vortarulo 12 de gener de 2013 12 de gener de 2013 a les 20:48:04 UTC link Enllaç permanent

I had the same thought as Eldad. Good to learn something new.

Eldad Eldad 12 de gener de 2013 12 de gener de 2013 a les 21:19:13 UTC link Enllaç permanent

And thanks for reminding me the discussion, @Vortarulo. It's a good opportunity to have a look at the source material once again.



Sentence text

License: CC BY 2.0 FR


This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #844288da korbi la .lojbangug. la .esperantu,ion..

Ложбанистан граничит с эсперантидой.

added by joulin, 29 de maig de 2011

linked by joulin, 29 de maig de 2011

Ложбанистан граничит с Эсперантидой.

edited by joulin, 17 de juny de 2011