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Satz Nr. 2096132

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Hybrid Hybrid 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 04:44:58 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Shouldn't God be capitalized?

al_ex_an_der al_ex_an_der 20. August 2014, bearbeitet am 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 05:27:17 UTC, bearbeitet 20. August 2014 um 05:34:03 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I guess we have to discern two different concepts. There is (a) god (a concept that includes the possibility that there is more than one) and God (the one and only). I think the example sentence negates the existence of both monotheistic and polytheistic gods. That's why I would'nt capitalize here. — But at any rate I'm not a native speaker!

gleki gleki 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 10:10:19 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Indeed, and I can see that uses "Dio". Should it really be "Dio"?

Selena777 Selena777 20. August 2014, bearbeitet am 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 10:36:28 UTC, bearbeitet 20. August 2014 um 10:56:14 UTC link zur Pinnwand

In my opinion, if we want to say "there is no one god of many gods, which many people believe in" we should say "There are no gods".
When we say "no God" we mean "there is no (one specific) God, which many people believe in". So, even atheists, who have no religious feelings, should capitalize it, cause it's a proper name.

katidino katidino 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 15:25:19 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I changed most of the translations; the Interlingua (which is further translated into German and then Afrikaans) ought to be split off.

gleki gleki 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 15:31:10 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I think this is not very meaningful to say "god" here.

"There is no god." would rather be "There is no god *here*."

However, I don't consider it a big mistake.
The Russian translation "Бога нет." is a bit ambiguous since the first letter is capitalized because it's the beginning of the sentence so we don't know whether it's God or a god.

Selena777 Selena777 20. August 2014, bearbeitet am 20. August 2014 20. August 2014 um 16:49:33 UTC, bearbeitet 20. August 2014 um 16:59:20 UTC link zur Pinnwand

"There is no God" is ambiguous. It can mean as "There is no God here" in a sertain place (Здесь нет Бога) as "God doesn't exist" (Бога нет).
If we write "god" (without capitalization) so I think it's similar to "There is no cat" (Здесь нет кошки). It means abcence of a (or the) cat in a sertain place, so "There is no god " can mean abcence of one of many gods in a sertain place?



Text des Satzes

Lizenz: CC BY 2.0 FR


Dieser Satz entstand als Übersetzung von Satz Nr. #2096130no cevni cu zasti re'enai

There is no god.

hinzugefügt von gleki, am 21. Dezember 2012

verknüpft von gleki, am 21. Dezember 2012


verknüpft von paul_lingvo, am 26. Juni 2013

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von carlosalberto, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von carlosalberto, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von katidino, am 20. August 2014

verknüpft von sacredceltic, am 21. August 2014


getrennt von Horus, am 20. Januar 2015

verknüpft von Horus, am 20. Januar 2015

verknüpft von katidino, am 16. April 2015

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verknüpft von deniko, am 21. Dezember 2016

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