How can I replace non CC0 sentences with CC0 sentences?
For example, I would like to have this as CC0
Actually in general I think allowing non CC0 contributions is questionable, but at least there should be a mechanism to move towards CC0.
Olen tästä samaa mieltä.
Kenties, jos sama lause lisätään monilla lisensseillä, pitäisi kyseisistä lauseista sallivimman lisenssin omaava säilyttää? Nykymenetelmällä ymmärtääkseni vanhin lause säilytetään, mutta vanhimmat lauseet harvoin ovat CC0-lisensoituja.
Ylipäätänsä CC0-lisenssoinnin yleistäminen tekisi tietokannasta paljon helppokäyttöisemmän. Mahdollisuus lisensoida CC0-lauseen käännös CC0-lisenssillä olisi myös yksi tärkeä askel tähän suuntaan.
There is a way to move towards CC0, but it's not fully implemented yet.
Currently, contributors can request access to contribute sentence under CC0:
When they are granted the permission, they are able to convert all their original sentences from CC BY to CC0.
The missing part is to implement the possibility to switch the license of translations, which we definitely want to implement one day, but is currently not in the priorities:
Isn't he/she asking the following?
How can someone add the same sentence again as CC0 when that sentence already exists in the database under the original Tatoeba CC-BY license?
The answer to that is that you can't, I think.
I also think that it would likely be unethical to even consider allowing this.
Miksi se olisi epäeettistä?
Vaihtoehto olisi sallia useita lisenssejä samalle lauseelle.
Tällä hetkellä, jos joku on lisännyt lauseen rajoitetulla lisenssillä, kukaan ei ikinä voi lisätä sitä avoimemmalla lisenssillä, vaikka lause olisi kuinka tavallinen tai tekijänoikeusvapaa.
Note that you cannot add the same sentence again, regardless of the license. We have duplicate detection, and when a sentence is detected as duplicate, it won't be re-added.
The consequence is that as of today, if someone wants to add an existing sentence under CC0, they have to contact the owner of the existing sentence and convince the ower to change the license. That is provided that the sentence is original and not a translation.
> I also think that it would likely be unethical to even consider allowing this.
It depends. There can cases where it would be unethical to to forcefully keep a sentence under CC BY. This hasn't happened been a problem yet but if we have such cases, it's actually possible to request to an admin to change the license.