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Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015, modificado 12 de abril de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 18:14:20 UTC, modificado 12 de abril de 2015, 20:33:12 UTC link Enlace permanente

I've been thinking a lot about this useful feature for Tatoeba: a wish list. If I remember correctly, there has been already earlier discussion about this, but I couldn't find it. To put it simply, wish list would allow users to add words and expressions to a list and other users could fulfill the wishes by adding sentences with these words and expressions. This could diminish the amount of sentences added by non-native speakers, when they would actually have a place where to add the word's and expressions that are still missing from Tatoeba or of which they want to have more examples.

Wish list could work like this:

User A tries to search for a word or expression xxx. If there are no search results, the page with current "Add a sentence containing xxx" link and new "Add xxx to wish list" link is opened (for example If there are any search results, new "Add xxx to wish list" link is displayed at the top of the search results page(s) and also at the bottom of the search results page(s). This is because one word can have different meanings depending on the context and it could be that all the current sentences are using the word in only one of its several meanings.

This requires three new pages: "Add to wish list", "Browse wish list", and "Wish: xxx in <language> by user <username>". "Add to wish list" is a page where users can submit new wishes and "Browse wish list" is a page where users can browse the wishes the other users have submited. "Wish: xxx in <language> by user <username>" is a page for each individual wish where the orginal submiter of the wish can modify the wish, other users can fulfil the wish, and all the users can discuss about the wish. At the upper part of all of these pages there are two tabs/links: "Add to wish list" and "Browse wish list" for easy access from page to page.

I know that developing this kind of new features requires a lot of time and effort, but unfortunately I can't help because I don't know how to code.

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Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015, modificado 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 18:51:51 UTC, modificado 11 de enero de 2015, 22:33:34 UTC link Enlace permanente

Now I started to think about this more thoroughly. This is how "Add to wish list" page could work.

*New page: "Add to wish list"*

Users can access this page either from the main menu under "Contribute" --> "Add a new wish" or from search results' pages as described in the first message.

Fields on "Add to wish list" page:
- The wished word or expression (Mandatory, text field. Text under the field: "Type in the word or expression of which you would like to get an example sentence." If the user access this page through search results page, the search string "xxx" is automatically displayed in this field, so that you don't need to type it again.)
- Context or additional information (Optional, text box. Text under the box: "You can type here further information about the word or expression". For example, if the wished word was "hieroglyphic", the user can write in this box: "In sense of incomprehensible writing.")
- Number of desired example sentences. (Mandatory, number field, default value 5. Requires a number between 1 and 50. User A defines here how many example sentences they would like to have before the status of the wish is changed to "fulfilled".)

Drop-down menus on this page:
- This wish is about <language>. If the user access this page through search results page, the same language as in their search is automatically selected from this drop-down menu.

Buttons on this page:
- Submit your wish (When the user clicks on the button, the wish is saved and a confirmation message about successful submit is displayed in upper part of the page.)

What about duplicates? Shoud there be a dialogue box if the user is trying to add a duplicate wish? This is how it could be like: In this case duplicate means that "The wished word or expressions" match, because you can't really know what people type in the "Context or additional information". There could be a dialogue box saying "There is already wish for <the wished word or expression> in context of <context or additional information>. If this is the same wish you are about to add, you can give thumbs up for this existing wish instead and then click on "Cancel". If this wish is not in the same sense your wish is about, please save your new wish." If there are more than one existing wish with the same word/expression, they are all listed on this dialogue window with thumbs up icon next to each wish. At the bottom of the dialogue window two buttons "Save my wish" and "Cancel".

When user submits a new wish, Tatoeba functions similarly as when you submit a comment: the page is reloaded and at the top of the page there is a message "You wish has been saved. View your wish here." (with link to an individual wish page of the wish they just submited).

Submitting new wishes are counted in as new contributions of the user. The submitted wishes are shown in the users Sentence logs (that should actually be renamed in the menu as "Contributions log" because it leads to page "Logs of <user>'s contributions", not to a sentence log, eg.

Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015, modificado 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 19:01:01 UTC, modificado 11 de enero de 2015, 22:26:34 UTC link Enlace permanente

*New page: "Browse wish list"*

This is the page where users can browse the wishes other users have submitted. There is a list of all submitted wishes with links to individual "Wish" pages ("Wish: xxx in <language> by user <username>"). Users can access this page from the main menu under "Contribute" --> "Fulfil a wish".

Columns in the "Browse wish list"
[Green arrow icon (same as next to each translation of a sentence)] (Link to the individual "Wish" page of the wish ("Wish: xxx in <language> by user <username>"), see more in my next message)
Wish (the wished word or expression)
Language (language flag)
Fulfill this wish (opens a "Add new sentences" page with text "Fulfilling wish xxx", "The wished word or expression", and possible "Context or additional information" above the "sentence" text field and link "return to wish list" below the text field. The sentences that are added from this "add new sentences" page are linked to the wish and are displayed in the "Wish" page of this individual wish, see below. Adding the desired number of new sentences (Defined by User A in "Number of example sentences") from this page changes the status of the wish to "fulfilled".)
Submitted by (user name and link to their profile)
Status (Fulfilled, Not fullfilled)
Thumbs up icon + number of given thumbs up (For other users to "like" the wish and express that they also want this wish to be fulfiled. When other users than User A click on this icon, the number of thumbs up increases. Second click by the same user decreases the number.)

The columns are sorted by date and time of adding the wish (newest first).

Refining what is displayed on the page:
Drop-down menus:
- Wishes in <language> --> Only wishes in selected language are displayed.
- State of the wish (All, Fulfilled, Not fullfilled) --> All wishes or only wishes with the selected state are displayed.

Search boxes:
- Wishes added by (username) --> Only wished made by certain user are displayed.
- Wish (the word or expression in a submitted wish) --> Only wishes that contain the search string are displayed.

- Show the most popular wishes at top (the wishes are sorted in descending order by the number of thumbs up they have got) --> The wishes that have got the most thumbs up are displayed at the top of the list.

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tommy_san tommy_san 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 19:14:44 UTC link Enlace permanente

> Adding a new sentence from this page changes the status of the wish to "fulfilled".

What if I want five sentences using a particular word or expression?

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Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 19:37:14 UTC link Enlace permanente

Then you change the status back to "not fulfilled" and add a comment to the wish that you would like to have this and that much examples. This is of course manual work, and that's why not very nice.

On the page "Add to wish list", there could be a drop-down for choosing how many example sentences you would like to have before the status of the wish is changed to "fulfilled". Or then the number of example sentences that changes the status of the wish to "fulfilled" could be higher (5? 10?). This is propably easier to code (says a person who doesn't know how to code).

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tommy_san tommy_san 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 19:49:16 UTC link Enlace permanente

> On the page "Add to wish list", there could be a drop-down for choosing how many example sentences you would like to have before the status of the wish is changed to "fulfilled".

+1 (And this number would be able to be changed anytime later.)

Maybe we should start learning programming.

Maybe Tatoeba should have codes and their translations in various programming languages.

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Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 22:36:14 UTC link Enlace permanente

I've changed this now to the descriptions.

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AlanF_US AlanF_US 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 22:42:38 UTC link Enlace permanente

Thank you for your ideas. We have an enhancement ticket open for this issue:

I linked it to this thread. I agree that this feature would be very useful. I currently am storing all the sentences I'd like translated in a list, but that's not ideal.

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odexed odexed 15 de abril de 2015, modificado 15 de abril de 2015 15 de abril de 2015, 6:18:44 UTC, modificado 15 de abril de 2015, 6:20:06 UTC link Enlace permanente

My suggestion is to make also an opportunity to mark the words you want to be pronounced with audio and not only to be contributed.

gillux gillux 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 23:26:15 UTC link Enlace permanente

I think only the user who submitted the wish should be able to say its wish is fulfilled, because the number of example sentences is only one of the possible criteria one wants. For instance, if a word has meaning A or B and one wishes sentences showing A whereas there are only sentences showing B. Of course, it is a little bit more hassle to the wisher (compared to the “wish automatically turns fulfilled” behaviour), but it makes more sense to me.

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tommy_san tommy_san 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 23:39:25 UTC link Enlace permanente

The problem is that many "wishers" wouldn't come back. So there would be lots of wishes that remain "unfulfilled" forever. I don't think that's desirable.

If you've got the number of sentences you requested and are still not satisfied, you can simply increase the number (and add a comment) to request more sentences.

Silja Silja 11 de enero de 2015, modificado 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 19:29:12 UTC, modificado 11 de enero de 2015, 22:29:15 UTC link Enlace permanente

*New page: "Wish: xxx in <language> by user <username>"*

These are the individual pages for each submited wish, where the details of the wish are displayed together with the sentences that are added from its "fulfil this wish" link and comments on the wish.

Information on the page:
- Wish (the wished word or expression)
- Language (language flag)
- Delete icon (Shown only to the user A and admins/corpus maintainers)
Fulfill this wish (a link/button) (opens a "Add new sentences" page with text "Fulfilling wish xxx", "The wished word or expression", and possible "Context or additional information" above the "sentence" text field and link "return to wish list" below the text field. The sentences that are added from this "add new sentences" page are linked to the wish and are displayed in the "Wish" page of this individual wish. Adding the desired number of new sentences (Defined by User A in "Number of example sentences") from this page changes the status of the wish to "fulfilled".)
- Submitted by (user name of the user A and link to their profile)
- Status (Fulfilled, Not fulfilled)
- Thumbs up icon + number of given thumbs up (For other users to "like" the wish and express that they also want this wish to be fulfiled. When other users than User A click on this icon, the number of thumbs up increases. Second click by the same user decreases the number.)

Under this information all the sentences that are added through the link "fulfil this wish" are displayed, if there are any. The comment text box and button come after the possible sentences. The comments on the wish are displayed at the bottom of the page in a similar way as comments on the sentences.

Change log of the wish (I don't know if this is needed? Is it really important?)
This works similarly to sentence log and is positioned in the same place.
- Date and time when the wish was originally submitted.
- List of changes made to the wish, if any, with date and time.

The user A can:
- Comment on the wish. (By typing text to the "Comment" text box and clicking the "Comment" button at the bottom of the page)
- Change the "Wished word or expression". (By clicking on the "Wished word or expression". If the wish has any thumbs up, it can't be changed.)
- Change the text in "Context or additional information". (By clicking on the "Context or additional information". If the wish has any thumbs up, it can't be changed.)
- Change the number of desired example sentences (By inserting a different number to "Number of example sentences")
- Click on the "fulfil this wish" link.
- Delete the wish. (By clicking on the delete icon next to the "Wished word or expression. If the wish has any thumbs up, it can't be deleted.)

Other users can
- Comment on the wish. (By typing text to the "Comment" text box and clicking the "Comment" button at the bottom of the page)
- Click on the "fulfil this wish" link.
- Click on the thumbs up -icon.

Admins/corpus maintainers can
- Comment on the wish. (By typing text to the "Comment" text box and clicking the "Comment" button at the bottom of the page)
- Change the "Wished word or expression". (By clicking on the "Wished word or expression".)
- Change the text in "Context or additional information". (By clicking on the "Context or additional information".)
- Change the number of desired example sentences (By inserting a different number to "Number of example sentences")
- Click on the "fulfil this wish" link.
- Delete the wish. (By clicking on the delete icon next to the "Wished word or expression. If the wish has any thumbs up, it can't be deleted.)

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 11 de enero de 2015 11 de enero de 2015, 21:49:14 UTC link Enlace permanente


malinef malinef 12 de abril de 2015 12 de abril de 2015, 7:27:00 UTC link Enlace permanente

I'm new here, but this is the feature that I was looking for immediately when I came to this site. When learning new vocabulary, context is king. Dictionaries and sites like Word Reference are good but they don't have an abundance of example sentences.

As a temporary solution for me personally, I've been meaning to contact someone who is a native speaker of the language I want to learn (Greek in my case) and ask him or her to translate specific sentences that I add. I have some people in mind and they are as far as I know not yet members of Tatoeba. In that way that they would also automatically contribute to this site. But to enable everyone who is a member of Tatoeba to provide examples sentences with the words that someone has requested, that's an absolutely brilliant feature.

Just the thought of a feature like this makes me really excited. I can't wait to see it being implemented! Fingers crossed.

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TRANG TRANG 12 de abril de 2015 12 de abril de 2015, 15:36:35 UTC link Enlace permanente

Welcome malinef :)

You may want to fill this form:

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malinef malinef 12 de abril de 2015 12 de abril de 2015, 17:04:12 UTC link Enlace permanente

Thanks! Deed is done :-)

It's just a guess of course, but I think that this feature might be "the iPad" for some people who don't seem particularly interested in it right now: something you didn't know you needed but that you use all the time once you have it.

TRANG TRANG 12 de abril de 2015, modificado 12 de abril de 2015 12 de abril de 2015, 15:33:15 UTC, modificado 12 de abril de 2015, 15:35:14 UTC link Enlace permanente

Since this thread has been bumped up I have created a form to find out how many people are interested in this, and whether or not there are enough people to make it useful.

Right now I consider this rather low priority, but if contributors show a lot of interest in having this feature, we can try to do something in a couple of months.

Hybrid Hybrid 12 de abril de 2015 12 de abril de 2015, 15:39:37 UTC link Enlace permanente

"wish list would allow users to add words and expressions to a list and other users could fulfill the wishes by adding sentences with these words and expressions."

That seems like a good idea.

Maybe there could be something similar for corrections.
User 1 writes a sentence. "The squirel is happy." User 2 submits a correction "The squirrel is happy." And then user 1 sees something like: "User 2 has submitted a correction. Do you wish to accept it?" Just an idea.

But what I really want is the ability to tag many sentences at the same time.