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Phrase numéro 326858

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kebukebu kebukebu 27 septembre 2010 27 septembre 2010 à 09:12:31 UTC link Permalien

Hoopy?? Never heard that one before. Google suggests that the term was coined by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Is the word "hoopy" a common slang term somewhere in the English speaking world?

Demetrius Demetrius 27 septembre 2010 27 septembre 2010 à 09:27:44 UTC link Permalien

Well, the sentence is from the Tanaka corpus, so it’s most likely to be written by a Japanese.

But given the meaning of the sentence, I think it’s OK it contains weird words. ;)

blay_paul blay_paul 27 septembre 2010 27 septembre 2010 à 09:28:54 UTC link Permalien

> Is the word "hoopy" a common slang term somewhere in the English speaking world?

It's quite common among people who really liked The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy a lot.

kebukebu kebukebu 27 septembre 2010 27 septembre 2010 à 09:40:16 UTC link Permalien

Both valid points. The fact that "hoopy" is used alongside "weird" not only reinforces the meaning of the primary word "weird" but also helps disambiguate the meaning of "hoopy". It's not an uncommon phenomenon in English to do so. I wonder if other languages use similar mechanisms...

blay_paul blay_paul 27 septembre 2010 27 septembre 2010 à 09:51:53 UTC link Permalien

Well it's not quite the same thing, but Japanese has things like なんでもかんでも, and how many people actually know what かんでも means?



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I'm always writing weird and hoopy stuff so I'm sure it's difficult to comment on. [F]

ajoutée par un membre inconnu, date inconnue