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Marzuquccen Marzuquccen 22 Septimber 2019 22 Septimber 2019 om 20:35:10 UTC link Permalink

dear all, dear Trang,

The North african's surface exceeds 7 millions KM2, it's equal to the europe surface, and in this huge semi-continent of africa a large number of languages cohabit since a handreds years, among them : the Chaoui, the tamacaqt, the mozabite, the kabyle, the chleuh, the rif...etc which are constitue the berbère family (It's exactly the same case with the latine family in europe), this family of languages have some very disparate similarities in their gramatical structure and a quasi-incomprehension each other, next to this familily we found the north african's arabic who has a few formes of the berbere langueges. This languages growth side by side but the evolution of their grammars is so deferents that today each one have its specifique rules and structure (it’s similar to the latine languages and their evolutions).
So, today the chaoui peaople and languege have their flag, the mozabit people and language have their flag, the kabyle people and language have their flag...etc, and for all of them there are the berbere flag who represent all the north africa, therefore I don’t know where is the probleme with that, apart from the splinter groupe of person with a harmful ideologies that besides I invite you to consult on the net before proceeding to a search on the origin of the kabyle’s flag and have the doubt about the contributer’s sincerity.
I think it’s a false probleme as long as the whole team of contributors don’t have any nerviness or irritation with this no political icon! Quite the contrary, the splinter group of person which are neither contributors nor members of the Kabyle team who are irrited, so in this situation you should ask questions about their motivation. Why did they have this hatred for a scientific project such as the linguistqiue’s corpus in tatoeba when they are not a team’s member? Why this splinter group did not choose the berbere flag for their project “Tamazight” in tatoeba ( that besides I invite you to take a look on their flag)?
The decision to change our icon on the tatoeba project will be look more like a stab in the back than a rational decision, that’s why I asking you to take a scientific decision because tatoeba is a scientific and not a political project. So there is a big loophole and ideological vision in the reasoning of this group of person for the Kabyle language, and this group has misled you.

Best regards
Merzouk OUCHENE, member on kabyle team.

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BakirHamou BakirHamou 23 Septimber 2019 23 Septimber 2019 om 10:39:58 UTC link Permalink

Un grand nombre de variantes de la langues amazigh enrichissent depuis des années notre langue, quelle soit la variante chaoui, tamacaqt, mozabite, kabyle , chleuh, ou rif, chacune contribue de par sa situation géographique ou historique à l’enrichissement lexicale de la langue amazigh. Toutes ces variantes partagent la même structure grammaticale.