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Frase n° 1304902

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Eldad Eldad 17 dicembre 2011 17 dicembre 2011 17:24:55 UTC link Permalink

I'm not sure, but would "menciona a Shakespeare" be a more or less exact translation of "zitiert Shakespeare" or "quotes from Shakespeare"?

I would understand your sentence as:
He often mentions Shakespeare.

ildefonk ildefonk 17 dicembre 2011 17 dicembre 2011 17:46:34 UTC link Permalink

I translated the german sentence:

Er zitiert oft Shakespeare = Cita/menciona a menudo a Shakespeare, I would say.

"Quotes from" would be "zitiert aus" = "citar de", but I wouldn´t use "citar de" in spanish.

What do you think?

Eldad Eldad 17 dicembre 2011 17 dicembre 2011 17:53:01 UTC link Permalink

I believe the German "zitiern" has to be translated by a different word than "mencionar", because "mencionar" has other equivalents in German.

By "zitieren" you mean he mentions whole texts by Shakespeare. But by saying "El menciona a Shakespeare" you simply say that he mentions Shakespeare, and it isn't the case in German.

Is there another possibility in Spanish for "to cite someone" or "to cite from someone's works"?

marcelostockle marcelostockle 17 dicembre 2011 17 dicembre 2011 22:37:58 UTC link Permalink

I'm pretty sure the best verb would be "citar"
"Él cita a menudo a Shakespeare."

Eldad Eldad 18 dicembre 2011 18 dicembre 2011 10:58:16 UTC link Permalink

Hi ildefonk,
I also believe that an accurate translation from German would be:
Él cita a menudo a Shakespeare.

Eldad Eldad 18 dicembre 2011 18 dicembre 2011 21:52:37 UTC link Permalink

bump :)




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Questa frase è stata aggiunta inizialmente come traduzione della frase #444316Er zitiert oft Shakespeare..

Él menciona mucho a Shakespeare.

aggiunta da ildefonk, il 17 dicembre 2011

collegata da ildefonk, il 17 dicembre 2011

Él menciona a menudo a Shakespeare.

modificata da ildefonk, il 17 dicembre 2011

Él cita a menudo a Shakespeare.

modificata da ildefonk, il 19 dicembre 2011

collegata da marcelostockle, il 28 dicembre 2011