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Frase n° 205899

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Tassadar Tassadar 21 febbraio 2010 21 febbraio 2010 18:38:54 UTC link Permalink

Не могу понять почему это здесь.

Nemo Nemo 21 febbraio 2010 21 febbraio 2010 23:50:08 UTC link Permalink

Tassador, do you speak English? I ask because based on Google Translate your sentence is a correct translation of the romaji text, but in general the sentence would be read as "sorega nani de aru ka wakaranai" I believe, which has a different (though stilted) meaning. "nani de" would make the sentence mean "what is this" but "nande" means "why". I don't want to merge another Russian entry, as I cannot speak Russian. Someone with a better understanding of Russian and/or Japanese needs to intervene here.

Tassadar Tassadar 22 febbraio 2010 22 febbraio 2010 01:07:43 UTC link Permalink

I think the sentence is written ambiguously.

sore ga nande (=dou shite) aru ka wakaranai
I don't know why it exist.


sore ga nan dearu (=da) ka wakaranai
I don't know what is it.

blay_paul blay_paul 22 febbraio 2010 22 febbraio 2010 09:49:39 UTC link Permalink

OK, first off the Index line of the Japanese sentence is

其れ[01]{それ} が 何[01] である か 分かる{わからない}

It might not be correct, but it is unambiguously 何 not 何で if the index line is correct.

It also seems likely that it is possible for that to be read なに in context.

Most of my paperbacks are in covers so you don't know what they are until you open them. ← ○
Most of my paperbacks are in covers so you don't know why they are until you open them. ← ×

(Note that it is usual to write なんで in kana, although kanji may be used).

So I suggest changing the Japanese line to
to make it unambiguous.

blay_paul blay_paul 22 febbraio 2010 22 febbraio 2010 09:51:10 UTC link Permalink

Note that the romaji line is auto-generated and absolutely can't be relied upon to be accurate. You can read my rants about auto-generated romaji on the Wall. ;-)

Nemo Nemo 22 febbraio 2010 22 febbraio 2010 18:13:59 UTC link Permalink

I know it's unreliable, that was my point. I didn't want to merge the Russian translation if it was based on the romaji, which seemed to be (and apparently is) the case.

Tassadar Tassadar 23 febbraio 2010 23 febbraio 2010 10:45:43 UTC link Permalink

Russian «Я не знаю что это.» = «I don't know what it is.».




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collegata da un membro sconosciuto, data sconosciuta


aggiunta da un membro sconosciuto, data sconosciuta

collegata da Tassadar, il 21 febbraio 2010

collegata da zipangu, il 22 febbraio 2010

collegata da Dominika7, il 1 marzo 2021