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Frase n° 2682189

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Roujin Roujin 4 marzo 2020 4 marzo 2020 15:04:24 UTC link Permalink

@check eng translation "You're already there, right?". I think the meaning is more like "You've been there before, haven't you?"

Yorwba Yorwba 4 marzo 2020 4 marzo 2020 15:52:33 UTC link Permalink

The English translation seems like the result of confusing 以前 for 已经. I'll unlink it.

Your proposed correction doesn't fit either, though. "You've been there before, haven't you?" would be "你去过那儿,对不对?", using the particle 过 (guo5) to express that the situation was once the case.

Auf Deutsch würde ich es mit „Du warst vorhin da, stimmt’s?“ oder „Du warst früher dort, oder?“ übersetzen.

Roujin Roujin 4 marzo 2020 4 marzo 2020 22:20:40 UTC link Permalink

I admit that your construction with 去过 is a more literal fit for "have been.. before", but isn't it also a correct translation of the original sentence using 以前? Unless I am missing some nuance here?

Auf Deutsch:
Für mich ist "schon mal" eine natürlichere Formulierung als "früher", mit der gleichen Bedeutung. Spricht was dagegen?

Yorwba Yorwba 8 marzo 2020 8 marzo 2020 13:30:00 UTC link Permalink

I thought there was a nuance regarding implications of habitual vs. occasional presence. E.g. compare 我吃过那种面 "I have eaten that kind of noodles." (at least once) vs. 我以前吃那种面 "I used to eat that kind of noodles." (but not anymore).

Anyways, I asked a native speaker about this sentence in particular, and apparently it doesn't make a difference in this case. Sorry for declaring you wrong.

Roujin Roujin 9 marzo 2020 9 marzo 2020 17:58:01 UTC link Permalink

No problem, thanks for your detailed explanation and further research!



Testo della frase

Licenza: CC BY 2.0 FR


Questa frase è stata aggiunta inizialmente come traduzione della frase #2676363Estabas allí, ¿verdad?.


aggiunta da iainmb93, il 17 agosto 2013

collegata da iainmb93, il 17 agosto 2013


modificata da iainmb93, il 17 agosto 2013

collegata da graycake, il 19 agosto 2013

collegata da Roujin, il 4 marzo 2020

separata da Yorwba, il 4 marzo 2020