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Phrase numéro 4736640

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paper1n0 paper1n0 30 novembre 2015, modifiée le le 30 novembre 2015 30 novembre 2015 à 18:56:58 UTC, modifiée le 30 novembre 2015 à 19:02:39 UTC link Permalien

The original text is Spanish. This is the beginning of the novel "Don Quixote de la Mancha." Some of the terms translate awkwardly, but I tried to remain faithful to the original. There are lots of English translations of this book available online if you look. It's definitely in the public domain. Here are some definitions, based on the RAE dictionary:

Hidalgo: Minor nobility
Lanza: Lance
Astillero: The receptacle for a lance
Adarga: A heart shaped leather shield
Rocín: An old term for a poor quality work horse
Galgo: Greyhound

paper1n0 paper1n0 30 novembre 2015 30 novembre 2015 à 18:59:12 UTC link Permalien

It's a very entertaining story no matter what language you read it in!

morbrorper morbrorper 12 avril 2023 12 avril 2023 à 08:32:45 UTC link Permalien

cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme: whose name I *don't want* to recall [?]




Texte de la phrase

License : CC BY 2.0 FR


Cette phrase a été initialement ajoutée en tant que traduction de la phrase n° 1214245En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no hace mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor..

Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I cannot recall, there lived not long ago a nobleman. To his name he had a lance in its sheath, an old buckler, a scrawny workhorse and a greyhound that scurried about.

ajoutée par paper1n0, le 30 novembre 2015

Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I cannot recall, there lived not long ago a nobleman. To his name he had a lance in its sheath, an old leather buckler, a scrawny workhorse and a greyhound that scurried about.

modifiée par paper1n0, le 30 novembre 2015

Somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I do not wish to recall, there lived not long ago a nobleman. To his name he had a lance in its sheath, an old leather buckler, a scrawny workhorse and a greyhound that scurried about.

modifiée par AlanF_US, le 15 avril 2023