En em enskrivañ Kevreañ
language Brezhoneg

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Frazenn #3320176

info_outline Metaroadennoù
N'eo ket bet ouzhpennet ho frazenn dre ma 'z eus dija eus ar pezh a zo da-heul.
Frazenn #{{}} — perc'hennet gant {{vm.sentence.user.username}} Frazenn #{{}}
{{vm.sentence.furigana.info_message}} {{vm.sentence.text}}
star Ar frazenn-mañ a zo perc'hennet gant ur c'homzer genidik.
warning N'heller ket kaout fiziañs er frazenn-mañ.
content_copy Eilañ ar frazenn info Mont da bajenn an arventennoù
Diliammañ an droidigezh-mañ link Lakaat evel troidigezh war-eeun chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Ar frazenn #{{}} a zo anezhi a zo bet ouzhpennet evel un droidigezh.
edit Aozañ an droidigezh-mañ
warning N'heller ket kaout fiziañs er frazenn-mañ.
content_copy Eilañ ar frazenn info Mont da bajenn an arventennoù
Troidigezh un droidigezh
Diliammañ an droidigezh-mañ link Lakaat evel troidigezh war-eeun chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Ar frazenn #{{}} a zo anezhi a zo bet ouzhpennet evel un droidigezh.
edit Aozañ an droidigezh-mañ
warning N'heller ket kaout fiziañs er frazenn-mañ.
content_copy Eilañ ar frazenn info Mont da bajenn an arventennoù
{{vm.expandableIcon}} {{vm.sentence.expandLabel}} Nebeutoc'h a droidigezhioù


Objectivesea Objectivesea 7 Here 2014 7 Here 2014 da 19:21:29 UTC link Liamm-peurbadus

Please tag as "humorous".

Ooneykcall Ooneykcall 7 Here 2014 7 Here 2014 da 19:34:27 UTC link Liamm-peurbadus

How can a comment (it's not in the article itself) constitute copyright infringement? Man, you're crazy on 'copyright'. What a bummer. Disrespectful to freedom, if you ask me...

Objectivesea Objectivesea 8 Here 2014 8 Here 2014 da 10:23:39 UTC link Liamm-peurbadus

I know Tatoeba should respect copyright, but I think this sort of usage (quoting one sentence from a larger work) should fall under the academic fair-use exemption. Reviewers are always allowed to quote brief passages from a published work,.

Also, I saw today that a full-text database gets around the problem of people attempting to extract one of the database's component works, which may be under copyright protraction, by the simple expedient of archiving 195 words, then deleting the next five, and so on. Because every extract of 200 words or more will therefore be missing at least five words, it will not be possible for an unscrupulous person to reconstitute the complete text, but users of the database will still get useful statistics on frequencies of individual words and collocations.

It seems to me that no harm comes to the original writer if this quote (admittedly the most memorable and epigrammatic portion) is posted. We could always have a tag that says something like "author unidentified." This could be explained in a legend or linked text as "Tatoeba will gladly give credit to the original author of any text which we have failed to properly attribute."

Ooneykcall Ooneykcall 9 Here 2015 9 Here 2015 da 11:49:01 UTC link Liamm-peurbadus

Quit marking sentences as undesirable if there is no consent reached.
There is no harm to the original writer whatsoever if a small excerpt gets posted, and therefore no incentive to enforce copyright.




Testenn ar frazenn

Lisañs: CC BY 2.0 FR


Ar frazenn a zo unan dibar anezhi ha neket unan deveret diwar un droidigezh.

When I hear "computer error," I always think of missing a nail and clobbering my thumb and then attributing it to "hammer error."

ouzhpennet gant Ooneykcall, 16 Mezheven 2014