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25 days ago July 2, 2024 at 11:24:07 AM UTC link Permalink

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25 days ago July 2, 2024 at 8:08:03 AM UTC link Permalink

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25 days ago, edited 25 days ago July 2, 2024 at 3:20:22 AM UTC, edited July 2, 2024 at 3:21:17 AM UTC link Permalink

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mvdstelt mvdstelt June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 at 6:29:14 AM UTC link Permalink

I try to download (from the 'Browse by List' on the Tatoeba website) a sentence list with language pair French-English from the 'Spread by Tatoebans' list to import in Anki/AnkiDroid.
However, after many tries and many different approaches, also with different languages, I get all the time a list from French (or other language) to Chinese.

Is there a hidden setting somewhere which needs to be set or is this a bug? Thanks.

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AlanF_US AlanF_US June 18, 2024, edited June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 at 12:41:17 PM UTC, edited June 18, 2024 at 12:42:06 PM UTC link Permalink

Short answer: The interface doesn't offer a way to do what you're trying to do, but I wonder whether that's the best way to achieve your goals anyway.

Long answer: You can use "Browse by List" to get you to the "Spread by Tatoebans" list, and you can choose to *display* only the French sentences with their English translations, but when it comes to downloading, you can only download the entire list, which contains sentence pairs from many languages. (Depending on the order in which you download it, the initial pages may mostly contain sentences from a particular language pair, but if you look farther, you'll find other pages as well.) But there are 244,589 French-to-English pairs in that list, and I really have to wonder whether uploading such a list to Anki is the best way to achieve your purpose, especially if that's personal language learning.

You could alternatively load *all* French-to-English sentence pairs by going to "Downloads" at the bottom of any page and clicking on the "Sentence pairs" at the top of the page. But that's an even more enormous list, with 438,000+ sentence pairs.

There's a site that is not part of the Tatoeba Project but that takes data from there and provides it for upload to Anki. It offers a set of French-English pairs that are contributed only by people who self-identify as native speakers. But it still has 232,000+ sentence pairs, and there's a large amount of duplication there. Here's the beginning of the file:

Go. Va !
Go. Marche.
Go. En route !
Go. Bouge !
Hi. Salut !
Hi. Salut.

I doubt that working through these sentences as is would help you much. You would probably need to process them further.

There's a site called Clozemaster that offers cloze ("fill in the missing word") exercises that draws much of its data from Tatoeba but has a lot more infrastructure for language learners. Sentences there have undergone some amount of selection, and are grouped in various ways (for instance, by frequency or by grammatical function of the missing word). It has both a free subscription plan (limited to viewing a certain number of sentences per day) and paid plans (by the year and lifetime).

Other options (not an exhaustive list):

- Find another sentence list here at Tatoeba of strictly French-English pairs and download it.
- Make your own list and download it.

Good luck!

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mvdstelt mvdstelt June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 at 3:24:14 PM UTC link Permalink

Hi AlanF_US,

Thanks for your elaborate answer. I think I will switch back to the App '10,000 sentences' by SCIO for Android. I uses sentences from Tatoeba and produces them in increasing difficulty, with space repetition. Only thing is, it has some missing language pairs. It does has have the French to English pair, but missing others, I am interested in.

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AlanF_US AlanF_US June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 at 10:25:14 PM UTC link Permalink

That sounds like a good approach, at least for French to English.

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mvdstelt mvdstelt June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 at 2:04:35 AM UTC link Permalink


lbdx lbdx June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 at 2:56:44 PM UTC link Permalink

If you are an Anki user, this deck might suit your needs:

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mvdstelt mvdstelt June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 at 3:05:23 PM UTC link Permalink

Thanks. I am happy that Tatoeba sentences are also available on other websites and sometimes in better 'formats'.
I just started to use Anki. I am not sure if I am a fan of it. But I will see if settings will make it work better for me.

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Augustus Augustus June 20, 2024, edited June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 at 9:16:09 PM UTC, edited June 20, 2024 at 9:16:49 PM UTC link Permalink

Not sure if it is interesting for you or not but I have created a simple vocabulary trainer based on Tatoeba data. See the earlier wall post or try it out on (no account required).

In case you find it helpful and need other language pairs, let me know.

30 days ago June 27, 2024 at 7:41:50 AM UTC link Permalink

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June 26, 2024 June 26, 2024 at 11:45:58 AM UTC link Permalink

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sharptoothed sharptoothed June 25, 2024 June 25, 2024 at 3:30:38 PM UTC link Permalink

✹✹ Stats & Graphs ✹✹

Tatoeba Stats, Graphs & Charts have been updated:

ecorralest101 ecorralest101 June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 at 2:03:36 AM UTC link Permalink

Quick question, is there any Bambara speaker who might adopt some orphan sentences?

CK CK June 16, 2024 June 16, 2024 at 7:38:51 AM UTC link Permalink

🍎 Native Speakers with Native Language Sentences

Learn their usernames and get links to their sentences.

Updated: 2024-06-15

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CK CK June 16, 2024 June 16, 2024 at 9:23:25 AM UTC link Permalink

Since this list is quite long, I made a faster-loading version.

This only lists the 2,833 native speaker usernames with 50 or more native language sentences. The complete list has 8,778 usernames.

aysshsh aysshsh June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024 at 11:27:36 AM UTC link Permalink

We need more korean speakers!! Im learning korean for SK and really badly need native audio!:(

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DJ_Saidez DJ_Saidez June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 at 4:04:40 AM UTC link Permalink

I agree! Unfortunately we currently don't have many active Korean contributors yet.

In the meantime I'd recommend the Youtube channel Easy Languages for listening practice!
Easy Korean (beginners):
Korean on the Streets:

June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 at 5:23:52 AM UTC link Permalink

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