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sysko's messages on the Wall (total 1,397)

sysko sysko January 4, 2013 January 4, 2013 at 4:30:37 PM UTC link Permalink

[I've deleted the answers to the previous message as they were too much about subjective statement on one user (the same as I will redirect into private message any statement from now that are only about one specific user]

As I can't delete a message without deleting all the answers, I let the topic like this

IF SOMEONE STARTS **AGAIN** TO GO ON SINGLE USER STATEMENT (i.e not simply discussing on the general "what a corpus maintainer should" ) I will apply the things put there

thank you

sysko sysko January 4, 2013 January 4, 2013 at 4:14:18 PM UTC link Permalink


***** VERY IMPORTANT ******

from now I will delete any message mentioning any single user

, if you got some problem with a user you can contact me by private message, even if he first started on a public place


same if you want to propose a user to any higher status => private message

sysko sysko December 30, 2012 December 30, 2012 at 1:31:07 PM UTC link Permalink

[a message from an other has been transfered by private message see this post]

sysko sysko December 30, 2012 December 30, 2012 at 1:15:14 PM UTC link Permalink

please refer to my post posted some minutes ago as a new topic.

sysko sysko December 30, 2012 December 30, 2012 at 1:09:33 PM UTC link Permalink

Concerning the change of status of Sacredceltic to corpus maintainers of French (I will rewrite soon somewhere that corpus maintainer IS NOT moderator and it just about taking care of one, in some rare case several, language)

For the time being, waiting for me to find better rules and definition for the corpus maintainers roles (which is not supposed to be a 'honorific gratification' given after but rather an 'additional burden' for people having time and skills to assume it), we will stay on the status quo, the discussion having now gone on other topic far away from than the original one.

So In order to not pollute the wall with discussion that could be handled by private messages (or using any outside way of discussing, skype, IRC, emails, whatsoever) :

****** Too long , not read part ********
I will delete and transfer by private message all the new message on the thread about the request to change Sacredceltic status (as things are going off-topic)
********** end of Too long not read part **********

thanks for your cooperation.

sysko sysko December 30, 2012 December 30, 2012 at 3:56:47 AM UTC link Permalink

hmm at some point I remember to have explained the issue, but I'm not sure if it was by email to someone or on the wall

To make it very short, the fact is very rely to define "what is a language" on the ISO 639 alpha 3 standard and to what I know (I checked a long time ago, so if I was wrong tell me :-) ) Portuguese in its Portuguese and Brazilian version are both considered to belong to "Portuguese"

There's the same issue actually for French, English, Spanish etc.

The short-term solution is to tag them when they specifically belongs to only one variety of the language

The long term solution would be to rely on the ISO 639-alpha 5 standard that aim to classify not only languages but their subdivision, for which we will be able to clearly make a distinction. but that would require a little more modification in Tatoeba's interface.

sysko sysko December 30, 2012 December 30, 2012 at 3:21:40 AM UTC link Permalink

actually there's some flaw in the way Trang coded the "love message" when the website is down, as it require the website to actually be still up, and database request are still made

And as that time I need everything to be silent, I've shut down everything, so no love message :-(

The 503 message you see is actually the one send by the proxy server of the FSF france (that kindly and freely host us, thanks to them once again by the way) . I'll see with them to replace it by something more "friendly"

Also as I plan to enter in beta test for the tatowiki today (or tomorrow), my next milestone on the way to the new version will be to decouple the Wall from the other part of the website so that I can host it on an other (but smaller, but for the wall that shouldn't be a problem) server. So that even when Tatoeba will be completely down (server crash, zombie apocalypse etc.) , the wall will still be there, so people will be able to know what's wrong etc.

sysko sysko December 29, 2012 December 29, 2012 at 8:01:16 PM UTC link Permalink

[eng] In one hour or so I will run the deduplication script + do some maintenance task on the server, it will take several hours and will need to put the server offline during that time

sorry for the disagreement

[fra] Dans une heure environ je vais devoir mettre le serveur hors-ligne quelques heures, le temps d'éxecuter le script de dédoublonnage et d'effectuer quelques tâches de maintenances

désolé pour le désagrément.

sysko sysko December 29, 2012 December 29, 2012 at 7:40:01 AM UTC link Permalink

I agree on this as even if we were to "classify" users by "how much" they contribute to Tatoeba in a whole, one would have also to consider

- How much they help the community itself (i.e answering to new comers questions, explaining them the rules)

- How much they help keeping a good quality in the corpus (by pointing out mistakes etc.)

- How much they participate with me on the underlying process of creating code for Tatoeba, or discussing on how to create that code

- How much they help spreading the word, by talking about it to their friends even if they are only passive user who use the ressource to search for examples

Of course all these things are very difficult, if not impossible, to quantitfy which make the idea of saying that one contribute more to tatoeba than an other very difficult to judge

sysko sysko December 29, 2012 December 29, 2012 at 7:33:52 AM UTC link Permalink


The comment was about his french sentences, so the fact that the post of Sacredceltic is containing English mistakes is irrelevant as anyway Sacredceltic has fery few English contributions . (2% of his contributions)

sysko sysko December 28, 2012 December 28, 2012 at 8:37:31 PM UTC link Permalink

For the proposition of Danepo as corpus maintainer for Danish, please post there :-)

sysko sysko December 28, 2012 December 28, 2012 at 7:53:15 PM UTC link Permalink

Well for the time being we will keep up as it.

The procedure has always stated that we'll would promote only if there's was some really clear consensus on the promotion

I agree in that case I've been able to see the limitation of the current system.

I'm currently finishing to code the beta of a Tatoeba's wiki (I'm now just at a inch of a first release, I'll explain the rational between this later)

I'll take this occcasion to write in a very precise way a better procedure to handle the "not black not white" case

When it will be done, and if Sacredceltic is interested in the position, we'll be able to discuss again about it, with this time clear definition of what is relevant to the discussion and how the final outcome will be decided.

sysko sysko December 28, 2012 December 28, 2012 at 7:00:43 PM UTC link Permalink

not ever.

Even in the hypothesis that all the claim against Sacredceltic were true, I do consider that every crime has a limitation period.
In the case for which the case is not "everyone" agree, I will need to set up more precise rules about what is consider as relevant, what is not etc.

sysko sysko December 28, 2012 December 28, 2012 at 6:27:51 PM UTC link Permalink

[A post has been removed]

The reply didn't bring any "rational" argument, so I've removed it.

sysko sysko December 28, 2012 December 28, 2012 at 2:19:42 PM UTC link Permalink


I've deleted the answered to that post as the discussion was going off-topic and started to be more suitable to private message conversation.

sysko sysko December 26, 2012 December 26, 2012 at 1:49:40 PM UTC link Permalink

for the erased comments, if you talk about the wall messages of last time, they've been deleted by me (I left a message about these deletions). If you're talking about other comments, ignore this message.

sysko sysko December 25, 2012 December 25, 2012 at 4:48:57 PM UTC link Permalink

Un joyeux noël à toi aussi.

sysko sysko December 19, 2012 December 19, 2012 at 4:14:08 PM UTC link Permalink

We need to be sure before to promote them (that's from the guide I know but I think that the 2 MUST HAVE points)

1 - understand the concept of indirect translation / main sentence when you tranlate

2 - understand that a sentence must not be edited once it is by itself correct, in case of mismatch, an unlink will be made

sysko sysko December 17, 2012 December 17, 2012 at 6:47:19 AM UTC link Permalink

I've already worked on that kind of "big graph" problematic, as what narcelostockle did, we need something dynamic, as a single image would be to rigid and messy

* we can first display only the direct translation, they will be displayed only with the flag and sentence number
doing a mouse hover would display the text of the sentence only for a few moment
clicking on it would make the translation coming from this node to appear
cliking once again would make them disappear

the link will be in gray if not belonging to the spanning tree and in a gradient of color for those belonging to it , so that it will be easily possible to "view" the distance

After on a side panel when hovering over a link/sentence we can text the additional information about it, owner, tags etc.

And as said we can also get a filter panel that will permit us to restrict on some link/node

there's already some languages used for that, to do graph query (I'm not using my computer right now so I'll find back the link when coming back home)

that will permit us to write some complex filter like

(node.distance <= 3 AND node.tags contains OK ) OR (node.distance == 1 and node.lang in {fra,eng,deu} )

sysko sysko December 16, 2012 December 16, 2012 at 8:54:29 PM UTC link Permalink

I've also deleted a lot of spam user and improved the security of the server (all these things explain why tatoeba has been not accessible during some hours)