zbasu lo jaspu pilno lo jaspu
language Lojban

chevron_right zbasu lo jaspu

chevron_right pilno lo jaspu


chevron_right Show random sentence

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo bangu

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo liste

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo tcita

chevron_right lo vrici poi se bacru


chevron_right bitmu

chevron_right liste lo ro cmima

chevron_right bangu lo cmima

chevron_right lo tavla be co'a lo ka jbena


lo jufra poi 3548407 moi

info_outline Metadata
Your sentence was not added because the following already exists.
Sentence #{{}} — belongs to {{vm.sentence.user.username}} Sentence #{{}}
{{vm.sentence.furigana.info_message}} {{vm.sentence.text}}
star This sentence belongs to a native speaker.
warning This sentence is not reliable.
content_copy zbasu lo fukpi be lo jufra info Go to sentence page
i zgana lo te traduki
Unlink this translation link Make into direct translation chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Existing sentence #{{}} has been added as a translation.
edit Edit this translation
warning This sentence is not reliable.
content_copy zbasu lo fukpi be lo jufra info Go to sentence page
Translations of translations
Unlink this translation link Make into direct translation chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Existing sentence #{{}} has been added as a translation.
edit Edit this translation
warning This sentence is not reliable.
content_copy zbasu lo fukpi be lo jufra info Go to sentence page
{{vm.expandableIcon}} {{vm.sentence.expandLabel}} mipri lo te traduki

lo pinka

ca ku no da pinka



lo tcita

zgana ro tcita

lo liste

Sentence text

License: CC BY 2.0 FR

lo vreji be lo citri

This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #2794154I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all..

mi oko e ni: utala la jan wawa li suli ala. jan sona li jo ala e moku e mani. jan sona en jan suli li pilin sama ala. kama li kama tawa jan ale.

se jmina la'o zoi.katidino.zoi, October 9, 2014

mi pona e mi lon poka ante. mi lukin e ni lon anpa suno: jan pi tawa wawa en jan pi nasin pona li kama ala nanpa wan lon utala. jan sona li kama ala jo e pan e mani e pona tan sewi tan ni: tenpo en sewi li lawa e ona ale.

se stika la'o zoi.Tepan.zoi, October 1, 2020