zbasu lo jaspu pilno lo jaspu
language Lojban

chevron_right zbasu lo jaspu

chevron_right pilno lo jaspu


chevron_right Show random sentence

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo bangu

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo liste

chevron_right lo vrici ne se po'i lo tcita

chevron_right lo vrici poi se bacru


chevron_right bitmu

chevron_right liste lo ro cmima

chevron_right bangu lo cmima

chevron_right lo tavla be co'a lo ka jbena


lo jufra poi 4652176 moi

info_outline Metadata
no jufra cu se tcita me'o 4652176

lo pinka

cueyayotl cueyayotl October 30, 2015, edited October 30, 2015 October 30, 2015 at 4:20:34 AM UTC, edited October 30, 2015 at 4:22:32 AM UTC link Permalink

I do both, however, occasionally sentences get changed to the wrong languages during mass changes (I learned this the hard way).

During the last update, around 300 Russian sentences were changed to Erzya (and I'm sure there are many more that have been changed to other, less browsed languages on the site, as user odexed claims that around 2000 sentences went missing).

Russian sentences are easier to spot, however I did see a Khasi sentence changed to Coastal Kadazan... which not many people would have been able to spot. Had I not found it, maybe someone else could have found it, seen its tag, and been able to change the flag to the proper language.

I think keeping the tags could work as a sort of preventive measure. Better safe than sorry :) (though I don't add tags after the language has been added...)



lo vreji be lo citri

Dupi anjeun bagja?

se jmina la'o zoi.cueyayotl.zoi, October 29, 2015

gau la'o zoi.cueyayotl.zoi se jorne, October 29, 2015

Dupi anjeun bagja?

se vimcu la'o zoi.cueyayotl.zoi, May 24, 2016

gau la'o zoi.cueyayotl.zoi na jorne, May 24, 2016