Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #3501998
x #3501999

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #4258047

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #5292478
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Sentence text
License: CC BY 2.0 FRLogböker
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #1895555
added by Guybrush88, 2012 M11 11
linked by Guybrush88, 2012 M11 11
linked by Guybrush88, 2012 M11 11
linked by Horus, 2015 M01 20
linked by Horus, 2015 M01 20
linked by Horus, 2015 M06 6
linked by Guybrush88, 2015 M11 27
linked by Guybrush88, 2015 M11 27
linked by Guybrush88, 2016 M03 19
linked by Horus, 2016 M03 19
linked by Horus, 2016 M07 21