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TRANG TRANG 2. januára 2016 2. januára 2016, 23:00:32 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

** Tatoeba Day #14 **

Tatoeba Day starts now and as usual will end in 24 hours!

If you don't know what Tatoeba Day is about, you can find information about it here:

Today we will have a regular Tatoeba Day, i.e. you can make requests as explained in the wiki article:

I would like as well that as many people as possible review the issues that were requested during the previous Tatoeba Days:

Most of these issues, I believe, were marked as "accepted" by default, because there were no objection within two weeks. But I think it is important that more people take the time to take a look at these request, and express their opinion.

You can express your opinion here in this thread, on GitHub in the issue comments, or by filling this form:

Filling the form is the best option if you simply want to give your opinion, and not necessarily start a discussion about the issue.

Thank you for your participation and happy Tatoeba Day!

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 1:08:53 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

1st request - - Private lists

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TRANG TRANG 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 21:23:41 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

This can now be tested on the dev website.

Cf. my comment on the issue page for more details:

It will not be released for the next Tatoeba update, because there is too little time to test it, but it may be released for the update after.

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 4. januára 2016 4. januára 2016, 0:13:53 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Thanks a lot, TRANG!

tommy_san tommy_san 4. januára 2016 4. januára 2016, 9:32:57 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Does it mean that if I want to make a list of sentences I want to show someone, I need to make it visible to everyone on each sentence page?

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TRANG TRANG 4. januára 2016 4. januára 2016, 12:07:05 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

At the current state of the implementation, you don't have to make a list public (and therefore visible on the sentences pages) in order to show it to someone.

We could leave it this way, but then we may have to rephrase the option from "Set list to publicly viewable" to something else like "Make list visible on lists index and sentence page".

Or we could have 3 levels of visibility instead of 2:
- public: the list is displayed on the index page and on the sentences pages, and is viewable by everyone.
- hidden: the list is not displayed on the index page, nor on the sentences pages, but it is still viewable by anyone as long as they know the URL to the list.
- private: the list is not displayed on the index page, nor on the sentences pages, and is only viewable by the creator.

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tommy_san tommy_san 4. januára 2016 4. januára 2016, 15:08:51 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Has there been a request for the option to make a list completely inaccessible to others?

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TRANG TRANG 4. januára 2016 4. januára 2016, 16:16:43 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

I don't remember if there was an explicit request for this, but I remember that it was an issue that came up to my mind when discussing about the lists improvements back then (

Most of the lists that are created in Tatoeba are for learning purpose, so we can assume that most of the time the creator probably doesn't mind that the list is accessible to everyone else.
But some people may want to create lists that reflect their opinion or their taste about certain things, and may feel uncomfortable with the idea that others can access these list.

If it was complex to implement and maintain I would not consider the possibility to provide this level of privacy, but it should be rather simple to implement.

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tommy_san tommy_san 5. januára 2016 5. januára 2016, 2:53:00 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

The website should be as simple as possible so that new members can easily get used to it, so if there's not really a need for the option, I'd prefer not to implement it. If someone wanted to make such a confidential list of sentences, they could simply work offline.

In my opinion, we need three checkboxes to let the creator of the list choose whether to make the list visible to others on sentence pages, whether to let others add sentences to the list, and whether to let those besides the creator of the list and the one who added the sentences to remove them from the list.

It would also be nice if we could know who added each sentence to (and who removed each sentence from) a list.

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TRANG TRANG 7. januára 2016 7. januára 2016, 18:37:54 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

The dev website is updated with the latest implementations for the "Private lists" ticket. The lists work as explained in my latest comment:

I will not deal for now with the separation between the permission to add and the permission to remove sentences from a list because this is not the scope of the current issue. It will be handled in another issue.

I encourage everyone who uses lists to try out the changes on the dev website ( and let me know if there is any regression (something that you used to be able to do, but because of the changes, you are not able to do it anymore).

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tommy_san tommy_san 8. januára 2016 8. januára 2016, 1:23:47 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

I'd suggest not displaying the existing "collaborative" lists on sentence pages by default, for the same reason as CK (

I also wonder if it's necessary to remove all the non-"public" lists from the index of lists and the page with the lists of each user. I sometimes take a look at lists of Japanese sentences that people make for their personal use to find out what kind of sentences they are interested in.

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TRANG TRANG 10. januára 2016 10. januára 2016, 17:50:47 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

I've removed the display of lists on the sentence's page, and only the lists of the current user are displayed. The initial request (from AlanF_US) mentioned that the main point was for him to see his own lists, and that seeing others lists is not so important.
At the moment I don't know if anyone really needs to be able to see others lists on the sentence's page, but I guess if there's anyone, they will let us know after the update.

Having a 4th option like CK suggested would be a possibility, but I don't feel like adding a 4th option before I see how it goes with 3 options.

As for listing non-public lists, I wouldn't do it because it defeats the purpose of having different levels of visibility. A user who creates a list that is "unlisted" surely does not want their list to be found easily by others.

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tommy_san tommy_san 11. januára 2016 11. januára 2016, 4:03:35 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

> At the moment I don't know if anyone really needs to be able to see others lists on the sentence's page

Lists could be really useful to share users' opinions on sentences if we could have non-collaborative lists shown to other users on sentence pages. For example, if you aren't satisfied with the current "collections" feature with three rating options, you could make lists to rate sentences according to your rules. If you want to show some characteristics of specific sentences but hesitate to use tags because it's not very objective, you could make lists to show your opinions to other users. Using lists, I think we could achieve something similar to your plan of more flexible "collections" (

> A user who creates a list that is "unlisted" surely does not want their list to be found easily by others.

You may be right if you stop displaying other members' lists on sentence pages. What I meant is that I'd like to have the possibility to make a list listed while not shown to everyone on sentence pages.

Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 1:10:55 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

2nd request - - Display recommended tags in the sidebar

CK CK 3. januára 2016, upravené dňa 30. októbra 2019 3. januára 2016, 1:30:20 UTC, upravené 30. októbra 2019, 10:36:11 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

[not needed anymore- removed by CK]

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 1:43:25 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Those tickets have been updated!

Guybrush88 Guybrush88 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 7:47:19 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

First request:

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 14:08:34 UTC link Trvalý odkaz


Guybrush88 Guybrush88 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 7:51:39 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Second request:

al_ex_an_der al_ex_an_der 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 13:12:06 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

The possibility to sort inbox messages by users would be an important improvement.

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 14:11:59 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

I opened a ticket -

sharptoothed sharptoothed 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 13:40:20 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

It would be nice to have a mass deletion function in personal messaging system (in all folders).

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Ricardo14 Ricardo14 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 14:16:22 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

I opened a ticket -

TRANG TRANG 3. januára 2016 3. januára 2016, 23:01:28 UTC link Trvalý odkaz

Tatoeba Day is now over!

Tatoeba will be updated on January 6th:
There will not be any significant changes, only bug fixes.

You can however test on the dev website ( the private lists feature that will be included in the update after:

And I encourage everyone to submit more opinions about the issues that were requested during the previous Tatoeba Days:

Thanks again for your participation.

Next Tatoeba Day is scheduled on January 17.