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Реченица #3000211

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neron neron 23. јул 2014. 23. јул 2014. 00:23:12 UTC link Пермалинк

May I suggest that we use:
direkte -> bokstavelige

al_ex_an_der al_ex_an_der 23. јул 2014. 23. јул 2014. 06:36:47 UTC link Пермалинк


eirik174 eirik174 23. јул 2014. 23. јул 2014. 08:51:41 UTC link Пермалинк

Acknowledged :)

danieljtah danieljtah 23. јул 2014. 23. јул 2014. 22:11:23 UTC link Пермалинк

I think 'ordrette' is much better.

eirik174 eirik174 24. јул 2014. 24. јул 2014. 04:22:07 UTC link Пермалинк

"Ordrette" is a nice word. But it seems "direkte" may be the most common. Or actually, there's no way to tell because Norwegian doesn't have a nice searchable corpus as far as I know, and Google results are inaccurate.

neron neron 24. јул 2014. 24. јул 2014. 11:53:42 UTC link Пермалинк

there are some projects, done by language researches on Norwegian universities, you might want to look, if you are interested in searchable corpus.

I spent quite time searching for those kind a things, a year/two ago. Then, I used link about Norwegian frequency word list. It was mentioned here
Some requires simple registration, available for anyone, others only for researcher. I used server that is no longer available (text source was books and newspapers, with quotes, etc...). I would like if I could find something similar thing again.

And if someone just need simple list, in order to learn more effectively Norwegian, (to focus first on the most common words in Norwegian), he could probably use this one:ål_wordlist
This one is based on movie subtitles, and therefore it has questionable applicability.

The best thing would be if we could easily choose field of interest (medicine,law,fine literature,...), and if we could get proper context for the words etc. That kind of resource would be great for language learner, like me. And also for others, when they encounter not so common word. (The quotes are the best thing, I believe, for, too. Nothing is like a good example.)

And, for the end, if I just need to see some quick Norwegian synonyms, there is a site just for that:

What I am glad, is that only two years ago, many things were impossible to find about Norwegian language, now all that is changing at an incredible pace.

danieljtah danieljtah 24. јул 2014. 24. јул 2014. 18:17:47 UTC link Пермалинк

For me 'Direkte oversatt' implies that it was translated directly, as opposed to a translation of another translation. It's commonly used like this too, but 'ordrette' or 'ord for ord' give the most clear meaning for me.

Neron, very useful links there!




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License: CC BY 2.0 FR


This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #611375We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations..

повезано од стране корисника eirik174, 21. јануар 2014.

Vi ønsker naturlige oversettelser, ikke direkte oversettelser.

додато од стране корисника eirik174, 21. јануар 2014.

повезано од стране корисника al_ex_an_der, 21. јануар 2014.

повезано од стране корисника neron, 23. јул 2014.

Vi ønsker naturlige oversettelser, ikke bokstavelige oversettelser.

измењено од стране корисника eirik174, 23. јул 2014.

Vi ønsker naturlige oversettelser, ikke ordrette oversettelser.

измењено од стране корисника eirik174, 24. јул 2014.