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gillux gillux 17 de setembro de 2014, edited 17 de setembro de 2014 21:06:03 UTC do 17 de setembro de 2014, edited 21:18:04 UTC do 17 de setembro de 2014 link Permalink


I recently worked to improve the furiganas for sentences of the Japanese language. The furiganas are now displayed as hiraganas instead of katakanas. In addition, they are no longer attached to words already in kanas. (Actually, it’s not perfect: when a word contains a mix of kanas and kanjis, the whole word, including the kana parts, is displayed in the furigana.)

In other words, we now have (#3501384):
言い訳[いいわけ] ばっか すん な よ 。
Instead of:
言い訳[イイワケ] ばっか[バッカ] すん[スン] な[ナ] よ[ヨ] 。[。]

Last but not least, the furiganas should contain less errors than they used to. For instance, 来ない is now correctly read as こない instead of *きない. But beware, furiganas are still not 100% accurate.

EDIT: On a side note, I’d like to mention that deploying the updated version of our (terrible) furigana generation software on was a piece of cake, thanks to the work of pallavshah, one of the GSOC student who worked on Tatoeba this summer. In other words, he saved us hours of tedious work and we can develop faster and safer.

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tommy_san tommy_san 18 de setembro de 2014, edited 18 de setembro de 2014 01:36:52 UTC do 18 de setembro de 2014, edited 02:53:34 UTC do 18 de setembro de 2014 link Permalink

Great! It really looks much better now. Thank you for your hard work, gillux and pallavshah.

I'm looking forward to seeing perfect furigana. I guess the trickiest are words like 飼い犬(かいいぬ), since it's probably difficult for a machine to decide whether it's 飼(か)い犬(いぬ) or 飼(かい)い犬(ぬ). I'm willing to help you if there's anything I can do.