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Phrase β„– 576691

info_outline Metadata
Tu phrase non ha essite addite perque le sequente jam existe.
Phrase #{{}} β€” pertine a {{vm.sentence.user.username}} Phrase #{{}}
{{vm.sentence.furigana.info_message}} {{vm.sentence.text}}
star Iste phrase pertine a un locutor native.
warning Iste phrase non es digne de fide.
content_copy Copiar phrase info Ir al pagina del phrase
Disligar iste traduction link Converter in traduction directe chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Le phrase existente #{{}} ha essite addite como traduction.
edit Modificar iste traduction
warning Iste phrase non es digne de fide.
content_copy Copiar phrase info Ir al pagina del phrase
Traductiones de traductiones
Disligar iste traduction link Converter in traduction directe chevron_right
{{translation.furigana.info_message}} {{translation.text}} Le phrase existente #{{}} ha essite addite como traduction.
edit Modificar iste traduction
warning Iste phrase non es digne de fide.
content_copy Copiar phrase info Ir al pagina del phrase
{{vm.expandableIcon}} {{vm.sentence.expandLabel}} Minus traductiones


Dejo Dejo 12 de februario 2014 12 de februario 2014 a 04:54:13 UTC link Permaligamine


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This comment was copied from #3043413 when duplicate sentences were merged.
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gillux gillux 2 de januario 2015 2 de januario 2015 a 23:02:59 UTC link Permaligamine

davis094, happy new year and welcome to Tatoeba.

This sentence is currently marked as French, but it’s not French. You may fix the language by clicking on the flag image. On a side note, many of the sentences you added so far miss the full stop. Could you please check them and add proper punctuation:

Thank you!

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This comment was copied from #3741051 when duplicate sentences were merged.
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carlosalberto carlosalberto 5 de januario 2015 5 de januario 2015 a 16:29:11 UTC link Permaligamine


Bandeira portuguesa.

Ponto final.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This comment was copied from #3741051 when duplicate sentences were merged.
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nimfeo nimfeo 19 de januario 2015 19 de januario 2015 a 09:11:21 UTC link Permaligamine

Pas de réaction depuis plus de 15 jours. Phrase modifiée.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This comment was copied from #3741051 when duplicate sentences were merged.
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Horus Horus 20 de januario 2015 20 de januario 2015 a 03:37:28 UTC link Permaligamine

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #3741051
x #3043413

Horus Horus 16 de junio 2015 16 de junio 2015 a 23:00:04 UTC link Permaligamine

Duplicates of this sentence have been deleted:
x #4278752



Texto del phrase

Licentia: CC BY 2.0 FR


This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #435575Calm down..


addite per brauliobezerra, 21 de octobre 2010

ligate per brauliobezerra, 21 de octobre 2010


addite per alexmarcelo, 23 de junio 2011

ligate per alexmarcelo, 23 de junio 2011

ligate per alexmarcelo, 26 de octobre 2011

➜ #3043413

ligate per CK, 7 de octobre 2014

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

➜ #3050203

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

➜ #3740685

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

➜ #3741530

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

➜ #3740685

disligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

➜ #3741530

disligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

ligate per Horus, 20 de januario 2015

ligate per Horus, 16 de junio 2015

ligate per Ricardo14, 11 de julio 2015

ligate per NM30, 20 de novembre 2016

ligate per Ricardo14, 9 de april 2019

➜ #3050203

disligate per Horus, 9 de maio 2019

ligate per Horus, 9 de maio 2019

ligate per bill, 5 de martio 2021