I'm by no means a Japanese expert, but this sentence sounds really odd to me. Doesn't 気がついたら mean "IF I came to"? Perhaps 気がついたときに would be better? And perhaps insert a , after 気絶して.
> Doesn't 気がついたら mean "IF I came to"?
No, it can mean "when" as well.
> And perhaps insert a , after 気絶して.
I don't think it would hurt to add a comma.
This sentence isn't odd at all, and it becomes perfect if you add a subject. (^_-)-☆
Thanks for the comments, it was mainly the ~たら meaning "when" that threw me off. I still have to study I guess. *sigh*
Please see this I-4):
Also Ⅳ-4)
Thanks for this link! Now I understand conditionals better than ever before :D I'll be reading some of these blog posts before posting incorrect comments from now on ;)
Incorrect comments are also useful for us. ^^
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edited by blay_paul, July 31, 2010