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English : Fluent
Deutsch : Anfänger (Beginner)
Translating... How I see it: I believe translating is not something you can simplify to a few criteria. It is like art. But if I were asked to tell about my approach, I would say it is a very sensitive process in which one has to look for a balance between (a) keeping to the original sentence and (b) sounding natural. Neither should be sacrificed for the sake of another. For (a), the minimum level to be met for the sentence pair is being semantically equivalent. For (b), the translated sentence must be in a form a native speaker will likely use in an appropriate occasion. Unfortunately a great deal of sentences in Tatoeba doesn't really meet the criterion B. This is the reason I hate it when I see Turkish sentences that don't sound natural at all.
My ideal Tatoeba: I believe in high quality and utilizable data sources. That means I don't see any good side of choking up data base with millions of sentences which are not meant for a purpose and which don't have a good meta information defining relations with both other sentences and the grammatical/vocabular aspects of the language.
Please do not hesitate to add comments on my sentences if you believe it is wrong or can be improved.
I am desperately looking for a devoted teacher who can help me learn German with instructions and assignments. If you are willing to do this please let me know. Don't worry I am a good student. :)
**Contributors whose Turkish sentences you can trust** :
- Gulo_Luscus
**Contributors whose Turkish sentences you shouldn't trust** :
- duran
- Haydar
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