There are so many sentences wrongly translated by non-native users. Many of these by users who no longer log in. How can these sentences "be saved"? It's polluting the quality of the entire project.
Please add comments to the translated sentences. Also, please consider applying to become an advanced contributor so that you can add tags to make sure the sentences are regularly reviewed, and then to become a corpus maintainer so that you can fix sentences yourself.
According to your profile, you are a native speaker of Norwegian Bokmål. We have a large backlog of sentences in that language that are tagged "@needs native check". (See . ) Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the quick reply. The problem is that leaving comments does nothing when the original owner has stopped using tatoeba. So the answer is that this problem is basically up to the "corpus maintainers" to fix?
Yes, that's what corpus maintainers do.
I have been giving it some thought and have decided to apply to become an advanced contributor, and later a corpus maintainer. I'm pretty busy with other projects, but I also feel the Tatoeba project is way to important for it be riddled with so many poor sentences. I will find the time to contribute.
Mange takk.
I'm very glad to hear it! From CK's table ( ), I can see that no native speakers other than you have contributed sentences in the last month. Given the absence of other active native speakers, your help will be especially valuable.
I am now an AC and actively linking, tagging and commenting nob sentences :)
Jeg gratulerer deg med avtalen din. Mi gratulas vin pri via nomumo. I congratulate you on your appointment.
Takktakk :)
Thank you.
How to become an Advanced Contributor -
Thanks, Ricardo.
I have an MA in second language acquisition and I have taught Norwegian as a second language at a university in Oslo for many years. I guess I'm formally qualified, but I don't know if I have time to contribute as much as you expect from a superuser.
Det er så mange feil ved norske setninger at noen som bare går gjennom dem, uansett hvor langsomt eller snabbt, og gjør dem bedre, er allerede verdifull.
Jeg har bare boet i Norge for et par år og har allerede funnet mange problem.
As Thanuir says, any amount would help. One thing that would help that would not require an ongoing commitment would be to look through the native Norwegian Bokmål speakers ( ) and figure out which active members know the language well and might also be interested in helping out. If you or Thanuir would be interested in doing that, please feel free to send me a private message.