Should be linked to #615796, #808911, #373376, #937379, #1387475, #937378 and #1327057.
We have the sentence "Virkilega?" [#451926] as well. Should we link #615796, #373376 to that one instead? Or should we link them to that one as well?
Please advise.
"Í alvöru?" is sometimes better translation for German "Wirklich?" than "Virkilega?" so those should be linked. I'm not quite as sure with the Danish so the best course of action is probably to link "Virkilega?" to "Virkelig?", those do often match up. I think "Virkelig?" might be the best translation of the Icelandic "Í alvöru?" into Danish but as said I'm not quite sure, so leave that one off for now. Icelandic "Virkilega?" and German "Wirklich?" should also be linked of course.
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This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #373216
added by Rafeind, March 25, 2016
linked by Rafeind, March 25, 2016
linked by cueyayotl, March 25, 2016
linked by nipbud, November 23, 2021